Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday This and That "Wolf, Wolf"

Last day of September and one week until I get over the latest segment of dread--another speech to give to librarians from around the state next Thursday at their fall conference in Post Falls. 

As for September, I loved Kenny Leen's idea the other day.  Kenny sends out email updates from time to time.  And, I enjoy them. They're stream of consciousness stuff, usually filled with catchy nuggets of down-home wisdom. 

In his most recent message, he came up with a solution for this year's sorry garden scene.  In Kenny's words: 
Hey There............Tis I, once again.  Sun is suspose to shine here in North Idaho again today and.......if we are not tricked....the rest of the week.  Have tons of tomatoes hanging green in the garden, and corn as tall as a shallow heaven .........waiting for more summer Sun and heat to bring them along.........don't think hanging a big calender turned to the page of August in front of the garden will help......although when I'm close to the garden I will look at my cell phone for the date and utter out loud.......30th of July more whole month of Summer.   Well best get out and get stuff to do........a man without stuff to do must be a lonely man........that' not a quote from me.......was just floating by and I snatched it would be amazed at a lot of the stuff I let float by.  I could go on here but think better of it.......and there is another little word, used but not thought of what is it, maybe who is it.....don't do it.......better get off these keys and get started doint it..........stuff outside, of course........don't think I'm one of those lonely fellers do you..........from one who talks.....and lies to his garden.........catch you later

                           your friend and mine........kenny leen
So, if you've got green tomatoes, take Kenny's advice and go lie about the date to your garden.  Probably as effective as anything's been this year.

I heard about a wolf sighting this morning.  While out getting my papers,  I saw a lady just south of me coming my way a brisk morning walk.  As she came nearer, I said good morning and told her I was trying to figure out who she was.

"You don't know me," she said.  "I'm here visiting my daughter over on Selle Road."

As she got closer, I introduced myself and we exhanged a little small talk.  Then, she told me she saw a wolf the other day.  She said she was driving on North Kootenai Road and spotted the wolf lying out in the middle of a field in the Arcadia Greenhouse area.  

She told her granddaughter," That's not a coyote; that's a wolf."  They watched it for a while and then my new friend whistled.  The animal got up and ran off, she said. 

After telling me the story, she said, "Your wolf crossing sign isn't too far off base."  That's when I told her another neighbor had reported seeing two wolves in our area a couple of years ago.

One never knows if reported wolf sightings are for real, but the stories keep arising.  So, the possibilities are worth pondering and worth a little vigilance. 

I'll still never know if the "wolf" I saw so many years ago back in our old neighbhorhood was for real, but the story thereafter involving the Book family and all their vehicles pulling me out of hub deep mud was very real and very dirty, especially for Jolene and Ardella.  ("To ASS-U-ME It's a Wolf" from Postcards from Potato Land, available at

Lucky for my new friend that she didn't drive her vehicle into uncharted territory and get stuck while pursuing said wolf in the field. 
Then again such a move might have guaranteed her a "wolf crossing" sign from her rescuers.

As for the hair appointment yesterday, most of my hair stayed.  Still, Kelly said it definitely needed a trim AND some color.  So, I've once again gone from a blonde to a brunette and will stay that way until the sun (Will we have a bunch more sun?) fades it out.

Kelly maintained that if she'd let me cut it with a new do, she'd guarantee that I wouldn't have to wash it and blow dry it every single day.  So, I'll ponder that for the next several weeks.

I rode Heather last night.  It had been three weeks since my last ride, and she seems to have retained everything she learned in her training.  Still no calls from people just itching to buy her, so I'm figuring "the little fairy princess" is gonna stay here, at least through the winter.

With the beautiful day ahead, I'll probably spend some time lying to my tomatoes in between saddling up Lily and taking her out to search for wolves. 

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