Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Just stuff and more stuff

At last, a ripe tomato

I've frittered away most of my blogging hour by looking at photography on Facebook and Flickr.

The phone just rang with an invitation to go riding later today.  So, this will be short.

Finally, the tomatoes, other than those iddy biddy cherry tomatoes have begun to ripen---off the vine, of course.  I can't wait to slice into this one this evening and enjoy that wonderful flavor which comes from "growing your own."  

I snapped a couple of photos the other day when Bill and I drove over to the Bull River and visited the Ross Creek cedars and Bull Lake.

Actually, that was not the purpose of our drive.  Regular readers will know that there was geocaching involved.  Bill found two caches---one at the lookout vista on the road to the cedars, and the other, alongside Bull Lake.

Our drive was dampened a bit----actually the last half as the rain set in around Troy and intensified on the trip home through Bonners Ferry.

It was one of those days where snapping a good photograph is a challenge at best.

But I was able to do a little doctoring and come up with the lake photo.  

Of course, the stump rocks at the Ross Creek cedars aroused my curiosity:  did visitors fill that stump with rocks or did the squirrels or did it happen during the Great Bull River Flood?  Was there a Great Bull River Flood?


Whatever the cause, the scene attracts attention. 

Happy Wednesday. 

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