Thursday, November 11, 2010

Brandon Adam: an Update, a Salute

On this Veterans' Day, 2010, I'd like to salute and thank all veterans for their service to our country.

I also thought it would be fun to find out what Brandon Adam is doing these days.  He is one of my many former students who has served and sacrificed in war.

As an Army Sergeant, Brandon lost both legs while serving in Iraq in 2007.  

He was gracious enough to allow me to write his story while still recuperating in San Antonio, Texas.  Later, he came home to Sandpoint where hundreds turned out downtown as he rolled through on his way to a reception.  

Brandon's homecoming was a touching experience for all who participated.  

I'm proud to say that since that time this young man has continued to move forward with a positive attitude.

  He also serves these days as an inspirational example of the old adage:  when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I heard from him last night for the first time in a couple of years after befriending him on Facebook, where I also found the photos above.

Here's what's new with Brandon:

I'm doing great.  Lots of stuff has happened since we last spoke.  First, I got married to a wonderful girl named Shannon . . . . also, we are pregnant with my little girl Elaina.

I'm currently living outside of Colorado Springs in the mountains.

Oh, before I forget---my wife is an English teacher . . . . she teaches high school.  

I was coaching football this year at the high school level . . . enjoyed that very much. 

Ski season is here so I'm gonna be skiing a lot.

I'm trying to get selected for the X Games but will see if I get a slot. 

I'm not competing in regular ski races this year . . . staying home to help my wife through this pregnancy.

I'm not walking, unfortunately.  Legs are just too short to be able to walk for a long time.

I don't quit a lot of things, but that was one of them.

In closing, I'd like to pass along my deeply-felt appreciation to Brandon and to all veterans who served in the Armed Forces and continue to "serve" as wonderful examples in the civilian world. 


live love laugh hope said...

Thanks for the update on Brandon. He was heavy on my mind yesterday as I was thinking of Veteran's day. Nice to click over here and see his face.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a remarkable fella .. only 3 years since he made such a sacrifice ... and now married, expecting, skiing, and coaching? I will resist an urge to comment on my opinion about the circumstances that led Brandon to be in "war" because on this day I believe that the reasons don't really matter ... what matters is respecting those that put their lives on the line and even more than that ... being inspired by reading a story about someone who faced INCREDIBLE challenges that I cannot even imagine ... and overcoming them. Good Job Brandon! And thank you so much for your service.

Kelly Carlisle said...

Thanks for sharing Brandon's story with us. He's obviously a young man who has a great deal of impact on people who know him. For those of us who don't, it's still a privilege just to know about him, and to be thankful for his service and sacrifice!

Anonymous said...

By the way...I am a researcher for ESPN and ran across your post while checking for internet info on Brandon. I'm happy to let you know that he earned his invite to the Winter X Games and will be in Aspen to compete in less than two weeks. What a great story--watch for him!

MLove said...

To ESPN Researcher: I have an extensive column written three years ago about Brandon if you're interested.

You can contact me via, if you have interest.