Saturday, November 06, 2010

Saturday Slight

Thank you, Facebook, for allowing the forum for me to know that I've got one happy kid and one not so thrilled this morning.  Debbie hasn't checked in yet, so I don't know how her day is going.  

I do know they're all  three on the move this morning.  

Annie's waiting to board a flight at Sea-Tac.  She decided this week to attend the MLS soccer play-offs in Los Angeles where her Sounders will be finishing up their West Coach Conference play-off game against Los Angeles.

Los Angeles leads in points, 1-0 after last weekend's first leg of the play-off match in Seattle. The big stars, including Beckham and Landon Donovan,  played, so the match was a treat for everyone,  except the one-goal advantage for the Galaxy, of course. 

Once Annie decided to purchase her ticket to Los Angeles, one of her friends was able to upgrade their flight to First Class.  Must be tough, but someone's got to enjoy it.

Annie and Debbie will probably just miss each other at Sea Tac.  Debbie was supposed to fly out from Spokane this morning and spend the day in Seattle for Girl Scout business.  

As for Willie, well, he's the rather unhappy one of the three.  I don't know the story yet, but he apparently had some difficulties filing his story about last night's Coeur d'Alene-Lake City high school football game.  

I noticed in this morning's Spokesman that the story was rather short and that it did not include Willie's byline.

I'm sure we'll hear the rest of the story when we see him tomorrow.  For now, his Facebook entry indicates that all did not go well and that his one option for filing the story came through a Domino's Pizza deliveryman's cell phone.  Additional details should be interesting.

In the meantime, Willie's bound for Spokane this morning to attend a Gonzaga basketball coaches' clinic.  Have I mentioned that he has taken on a new job this year?  He will be coaching junior varsity basketball for the Sandpoint Bulldogs.  That means some new stuff on our social agenda over the winter.  

We'll probably attend most of the home games for the first time in about 15 years---back when Willie played on the Bulldog varsity squad for coach Jack Dyck.

As a new coach and an enthusiastic ZAGS fan, Willie will probably enjoy his morning's clinic, but that's not all that's on his plate today.

He'll cut out of the coaches' clinic early enough to drive down to Moscow to cover the Idaho-Nevada football game, which starts at 2 p.m. today.  That means staying in Moscow until at least 8-9 p.m. to write his story and file it to two Southern Idaho newspapers.  

Let's hope technology treats him better today. 

If no glitches occur, he and Debbie should be meeting each other at their home around 11 p.m. tonight.  But wait, there's good news for them.  It will only be 10 p.m. cuz this is the day we turn our clocks back one hour.

Extra hour aside, the kids are pretty busy, to say the least, and we have the grandpuppies for the weekend. So, we've got enough to keep ourselves occupied, along with all the other last-minute chores to complete before the predicted snowfall in the next few days.

Our assignment from Annie is to tune in to  ESPN tomorrow at 6 p.m. when her Sounders face off against the LA Galaxy and watch for her.  "I'll be in the Sounders cheering section," she told me, "and I probably won't be wearing my wig cuz Miriam won't be there."  

Whenever Annie's friend Miriam attends Sounders matches, Annie wears a blue wig while Miriam's hairpiece is green.

As I think about the kids and all their travels, I'm also crossing my fingers that all goes well with their individual projects and that they all return home safely.

After all, for Annie that's really important because she has a rat invasion at her house, and she has taken the offensive.  Last report on this stand-off via Facebook last night was Annie 2-Rats O.  So, that's a play-off where our Seattle girl is definitely winning.

Happy Saturday. Enjoy your extra hour.

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