Monday, December 06, 2010

God Tree Perspectives

Yesterday we were blessed with another "perfect" winter day.

I took advantage of our good fortune by breaking some new snowshoe trails.

One of those pathways leads to what we have called the "God Tree"  since the first week we moved here.

 Located in our far pasture, this huge double-trunked lodgepole pine stands majestically in an open spot flanked by other much smaller trees. 

It's also the place where family,  friends and even some strangers over the past four years have joined our Lovestead Lodgepole Society.  

Newly inducted members from all over the world have also recorded many profound and poignant thoughts within the two  yellow log books, stored in a box at the base of the tree.

Bill and I have cherished every visit and every thought recorded.  

While tramping out a trail surrounding the tree, I enjoyed the usual sense of reverence and comfort of what we consider a hallowed spot. 

I also took a few more photos, which illustrate far better than words a sense of what the tree and its ever-unfolding story mean to us.


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