Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poop 'n Pets: Litter Kwitter

Who says Facebook can't be instructive???  I learned something this morning and, of course, need to pass it on.  

That's the old journalist MO:  grab it; blab it!

So, this morning I'm here to tell you about Litter Kwitter.  Possibly the whole world of cat lovers knew all about it long before I did.

If so, humor me, and listen up like ya've never heard of this before.

Every morning for the past couple of weeks, my friend, former student and hay manufacturer extraordinnaire, Lori, has been talking about going to the bathroom with somebody.

Ya know how you sometimes just don't pay full attention and just deposit something in the far recesses of your brain to chew upon later?

Well, that's been the case with Lori's Facebook posts about her bathroom partner.

This morning I paid more attention to detail when I saw the post: 
Well after a long long period of time we finally went to the bathroom again. He is getting to be a wonderful boy.
Who is this guy Lori's taking to the bathroom, I thought.  And, now that he's wonderful, I'd better get to the nitty gritty of this saga.
For a while I thought maybe she was talking about a new puppy, but then I remembered some pictures she had posted of a pretty feline.  

As I scrolled down, I even found that the pictures were actually a movie of Pudgy pooping in the toilet. 

Yup, 41 seconds of black-and-white Pudgy squatting on the Litter Kwitter kitty seat on Lori's toilet.  The first sounds are just Lori holding the camera.

Pudgy sits a while; then in a few seconds the "cable" as my son used to love to call it, comes flowing from Pudgy's rear, landing in the toilet.  

"What a good boy!  . . . "What a good boy you are!"  It's obvious Lori knows "Love and Logic" and the importance of praise when someone--even a cat---makes the right choices. 

Pudgy suddenly seems satisfied that his business is completed, but a tinge of skepticism directs him to turn around and examine the results for sure.  

Video clip ends.

Underneath the movie posting were the following comments:  

From Mary:  Cool and strange at the same time. Wish i could teach my dog to do that.

From Sarah:  That's so awsome!

So, there ya go.  You can cut down on kitty litter and get a little bathroom humor at the same time.  

I'm sure the novelty will wear off after a while, but you'll certainly be thrilled to know that with Litter Kwitter, you can say good bye to catboxes forever.

My one question remains.  Since they have kitty litter designed for multiple cats, will all cats want to use the same toilet seat?  

I'll ponder that one for a while.  In the meantime, I've got to think about Todd and Brooke, who have not been taught to vomit in the toilet.

Seems Todd and Brooke, the grandpuppies are under the weather this morning, thanks to Granny Love letting them clean up the leftover scalloped potatoes yesterday afternoon.

There's stuff coming out of both ends and potato piles all over the Young Love's condo this morning.  

Now, that's something Debbie should capture on her camera and post on Facebook.

Maybe someone will have answers for what to do when your Border Collie can't make it to the bathroom in time! 

For now, if you want to get those cats headed to the bathroom, Google "Litter Kwitter."   

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