Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Seen and Heard on Tuesday Travels

~Another of the many moments when Kea and Kiwi are joined at the neck.~

It was an eventful day yesterday:  two trips to town, another walk around Meserve's field with frolicking dogs, Willie's basketball game---where I saw lots of old friends---and time spent finishing up details for my Friends of the Library presentation tomorrow.

 The sun added a nice touch to a pretty upbeat day.

I stopped by Miller's Country Store on Baldy and Division to grab a cup of their Evans Bros. coffee (good stuff and just 75 cents a cup).

While there, Judy Baird from Mountain West Bank and I talked about all the wonderful breads available at the store.

We both learned that certain kinds of bread are baked on specific days.  Nan told us this information will be available on a website soon.

When it's up, I'll note it here and include a link.

I also learned from Judy that the folks at her Ponderay branch of Mountain West are putting on a bake sale this Friday.  Funds earned will go to the pediatric ward at Bonner General Hospital.  

Judy later supplied me some additional information about the event: 

"They are in need of some oxygen blenders for infant warmers; a bed side monitor; a meter that is used for monitoring that prevents infant needle sticks and unnecessary blood tests; an LED phototherapy system for infants; a hearing screener used to detect nerve deafness in infants; and an infant warmer.

Several of our community businesses are donating items for the sale, including
Miller's Country Store, The Hoot Owl, Pack River General Store, and Blimpie's."

I can tell you that all of the above put out some wonderful food as well as great community support.  

So, if you're local, be sure to stop by Ponderay's Mountain West lobby this Friday.

Excellent cause and phenomenal eats. 

I've already heard that in blizzard-burdened Pennsylvania that groundhog did not see a shadow.  Good news, and we'll be watching for that early spring.

This is hair zap day, so I've gotta get moving.  Have a great day.


Other photos of my Tuesday travels are posted below.


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