Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pictures along the Pack River

At the risk of whining too much about the power going off just as I was about to push the "publish" button for this morning's piece about yesterday's adventure down the Pack River, I'll just post some photos.

My sisters and I gratefully found our end point---the Pack River Bridge on HWY 200---about 6 p.m.

We paddled seven miles, when we should have paddled for six.

Taking a wrong tributary can add additional work and extra aches and pains, especially to hands and arms not accustomed to that much continual motion and stress.

Our journey involved hard work---keeping those pontoons moving---but much serenity, as we enjoyed the scenery along the peaceful river.

We can add this adventure to our list and look back on the August afternoon in the midst of our North Idaho beauty with smiles.

Now, I'll publish before any more power outages occur.

Happy Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Just as I remember our 9 HOUR paddle - no current, no floating - journey on the Pack June 24, 1970. Lots of hard work (and we were in our 20's). And it was cold and rainy and there were a gazillion mosquitoes. BUT - all of us recall it over and over - great memories!

Knotty Dogs said...

Beautiful! I especially love that last photo! Thanks for sharing.

Tammy said...


It sounds like you guys had a great time. I drove past your take out place yeserday evening on my way to Hope, but I didn't see anyone there. So I assumed you arrived safely.
Tami from Bill's Office.