Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Tuesday Twitterdeedum

Yay, Gabrielle!  That would be Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona.  

What a moving moment that was yesterday to see her waving and to see the House of Representatives (Republicans, Democrats and Tea Partiers) all finally agreeing on something with their universal standing ovation.

They were glad to see her back in the House where she served so well before her tragic circumstances in last January's mass shooting.

And, then she voted FOR the debt ceiling bill.  She symbolically walked across the aisle and joined Republicans because she, like so many Americans, is sick and tired of the bitter acrimony which has led to so much disgust toward our nationally elected officials.

As I see it, Democrat Gabrielle Giffords and Repbublican Idaho State Senators Shawn Keough and Joyce Broadsword fit in the "hero" category as legislators.  They all understand a sense of fairness and logic and they know that occasionally such tendencies should trump one's political party. 

In the case of our Senators Keough and Broadsword, the public recognizes their attributes and I'm betting most of the public is symbolically thumbing their noses at the ridiculous, brainless censure flung on them by members of their own party.

Roll on Gabrielle, Shawn and Joyce!  You are heroes in so many ways, and you were from Day One.  No amount of viciousness or stupidity will erase the high esteem sensible minds feel toward each of you.

And, if a few more politicians would take a true leadership role, show some courage,  step up to the plate and shed that shell of "party before everything," I'll bet this nation could get rolling again. 

Anything would be better than what we've endured the past few years. 

That said, I'll move on.

I'm still alive this morning, and I rode one of my 4-year-olds by himself out on the road last night. 

We did not go far---down to Selle Road and back and past the driveway a few times as Miss Heather screamed her head off for her buddy---but it was a good ride, and I think Lefty is going to be a great saddle horse.

He stepped along nicely, did not turn inside out at the sight of Taylor's cows, stayed in his path when cars came by and behaved like a gentleman even through the persistent screaming from Pasture No. 1.

Heather keeps track of her friends, and whenever they leave the pasture, she gets obnoxiously noisy.  

As for her progress, we made some yesterday at the trailer.  She stepped in partway several times willingly, and I worked on backing her out each time she stepped up.

I'll work at it gradually so it's low key, and I'm sure she'll get past whatever was so unsettling to her on Sunday.   Might even saddle her up today and take her for a ride before it gets too hot. 


It's back to garden harvesting again today.  I picked almost a quart of ripe blueberries yesterday, and another round of raspberries is ready, as are more peas and beans. 

The tomatoes are starting to turn ripe, and I have discovered a few little cukes overlooked by the deer massacre a couple of weeks ago.  

The hay, cut on Sunday,  is drying out, and I'm sure someone with a baler will come soon to finish it off.  Then, we'll have to figure out how we're going to stack it in the barn.  

I'm planning to avoid that chore cuz there's nothing more miserable than hay chaff down one's sweaty front on hotter than hot days.  

Certainly, we'll find someone willing to make a few bucks to put it in for us. 


http://tibbsarabains.com/home:  For all you horse lovers, my sisters have been updating their webpage.  

If you like to see pretty pictures of pretty horses (including one lovely Appaloosa named Lily and a world famous Appaloosa foundation stallion named Toby I) go visit their page and check out all the links. 

Finally, a local writer has penned a novel, and she's having some events to promote her book.  That would be Ann Clizer.  Her novel is called Selective Abandonment, and, as Ann says, "it's set in the backwoods of Idaho, and it's a wild ride." 

She'll be signing books at Vanderford's this Thursday Aug. 4 from 4-6 p.m. and reading some selections at the library Tuesday, Aug. 9 at 6:30 p.m.  Of course, books will be available. 

Good luck, Ann!

Guess that's enough for today.  Lots to do on this lovely August day.   Enjoy your Tuesday.  

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