Monday, October 10, 2011

Corn Stalkers

We're pretty corny here at the Lovestead, thanks to one of my readers, Joanne and her hubby Tom. 
Joanne contacted me after Saturday's call for corn stalks and told me Tom would be cutting theirs in the morning.
Had a nice visit with her as we loaded the stalks in the pickup and promised her some photos.  She didn't realize how much horses love these chewy treats. 
So, last night I brought the Lefty, Heather and Lily up early so I could snap some photos. 
There's hardly a more contented look than a horse chewing away as the stalk gradually disappears down its throat. 
I keep the stalks limited to one per day per horse, just to make sure their tummies don't have any problems.
Thanks, Joanne from Lefty, Lily and Heather.  
Looks like our day today can't decide what it wants to do.  
We had some rain overnight, and a few minutes ago, things looked socked in, but now I'm looking at some blue sky.
I'll take the Spokesman weather forecast which says we'll have chance of showers for three days and then chance of sun and the 60s toward the end of the week. 
That's a lot better than the one which tells us we'll have rain from today through next Monday.  
I guess it's always a crap shoot trying to guess what's going to come out of the sky, so we have no choice but to roll with it.
Bill, in his "idle" retirement, is headed after another load of wood today. 
You see he has to get his Lovestead work done because he'll be working tomorrow on a committee he's served on for years and Wednesday with his new part-time job in the woods. 
Thursday we'll be going to Coeur d'Alene "to get the retirement paperwork" all in order, and I think he has Friday off.
We're actually both enjoying this new phase, and I think it's going to turn out just fine.  
We do want to make it up to Rapid Lightning this week when the phenomenal Aspen grove up there turns to its fall colors.  I saw photos taken yesterday and got the official word from my friend Janice that about a week remains before it will be in its full glory.
For now, I'm settling for the beginnings of the color show around the Lovestead. 
I'll include a few more "corny" shots as well as some semi-colorful candids. 
Enjoy the photos and have a great Monday.

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