Saturday, November 05, 2011

Saturday Slight

Thank you, Tom Sherry.  You made my day last night when you informed us that the rain we were dreading during this weekend headed south.  And you were right.
There's a beautiful blue sky out there this morning with just a few clouds. 
I could see stars and could hear coyotes howling at the moon when I went to feed earlier.
This early-morning coyote howling has been very disconcerting to Miss Kea.  I misunderstood her intent when I yelled out the sliding-glass door to "shut up." around 5:45 this morning.
Later, when I walked outside, I could clearly hear the problem.  Kea was simply joining in on the coyote/neighbor-dog choir.  
Her cutting, high-pitched bark doesn't add a lot of harmony to the mix.  I'd say she's adds about as much to a cappella harmony as I did back in seventh grade choir when Grace Nordgaarden, standing next to me on the concert risers, looked me straight in the face and asked, "Are you singing the same song as we are?"
I mouthed it from then on, and I'm hoping I can teach Kea to do the same.
For now, "shut up" seems to be working.
~~~~~Anyway, it's gonna be a nice day today, and it's gonna be topped off by a phenomenal football game.  
We're excited at this household cuz Bill's mother earned her Master's Degree in library science from LSU.  So, that gives the Love family license to cheer on those "Fightin' Tigers." 
They're calling it one of the games of the century because of the 1-2 college rankings of LSU and Alabama, so we're looking forward to some exciting sports action. 
I also put out a claim this morning while reading the sports section:  Washington State will win today against California.   Hope I'm right.  I'm still pulling for Paul Wulff to succeed as the Cougar football coach. 
And, I'm betting the Vandals will give it their all in San Jose.
Speaking of Tigers and Vandals and Bears, I must bring up Hamsters.  Bet you're scratching your head trying to figure out what team uses those little critters as a "mascot" of sorts. 
"Rollin, rollin, rollin . . . Trot on you chirpin' Hamsters . . . trot on! Keep that cage a spinning so Groundspeak keeps on winning . . . . " seems to be the battle cry echoing out of their home ground over there in Seattle.
Kea may not make it in the Selle Valley coyote chorus, and I may have never made it in Mrs. Meehan's seventh-grade choir class, but Annie Love is the "Voice of Hamsterville" at Groundspeak where she works.
Seems the hamster energy team has received plenty notice over the past few months from geocachers around the world (they even send in goodies to feed the dozens of hamsters who spin around in their cages, providing the necessary energy  to keep the company going). 
As a result, the Groundspeak folks have opened a line of hamster products.  And, our very own "Voice of Hamsterville" is helping in the marketing. 
Trot on Groundspeak Hamsters!!!
~~~~Like anyone else who's ever listened to Andy Rooney on "60 Minutes", I was saddened this morning to hear of his death, so soon after he signed off.  
Well, at least he went out in style after entertaining millions with humorous snippets on the mundane aspects of life for so many years.
~~~~After reading the Sandpoint High Cedar Post this morning (, I can announce that it's okay to let all body hair grow this month. 
It's "No-Shave November," where you can grow your natural scarf. You can be sure that after reading that announcement,  I've put my razor away!
~~~~On that note, have a happy Saturday,  stay warm and check out the hamsters.

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