Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Tuesday Twitterdeelovelyday

My photos have taken what seems like an eternity this morning, so I'll let them do most of the talking.  Yesterday was a fantastic day, and today looks even better.

The down side of this time of year has to do with bugs---zillions of them.  

Late yesterday afternoon, mosquitoes came alive and hungry for blood.  At the same time, the sunny side of the house was coated with a buzzing mass of flies.

Both mosquitoes and flies caused the horses to go ballistic several times throughout the day.  Fly masks don't do a lot of good for the blood suckers.

On the French front, we heard from Debbie, who fended off a belligerent pick pocket.  She said the experience put a damper on her morning, but they still enjoyed visiting the Louvre where they saw the Mona Lisa.  

She also spoke highly of their visit to Notre Dame Cathedral.  

Lots to do on this glorious Tuesday, so I'll head on my way and wish everyone a wonderful day.

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