Friday, May 25, 2012

Three Days . . . . Sanity

Ya know, now that it's been ten years since I retired, the mention of a three-day weekend doesn't have quite the same ring it used to have---especially the Memorial Day three-day weekend.

I can remember,  after struggling to stay afloat as an English/journalism teacher during the busy, crazy month of May,  just how welcome Memorial Day weekend happened to be.

A breather, temporary at that.  It also meant a chance to tackle some of those stacks of papers to grade which sat in their stacks while I finished reading research-paper rough drafts followed by final drafts.  

While attending high school in my day, Memorial Day usually signaled the end of the year.  Not so any more.  

Nowadays, teachers and students have to breathe deeply during this brief break and find ways to co-exist for at least another two weeks. 

That sometimes was easier said than done.  With many students, whose minds had left the premises weeks before---or "turned to jello, as my mentor Bob Hamilton used to say---the thought of "teaching something" during those final weeks usually turned into a mere fantasy.

Hold the lid on.  

That's what drove most of us.  Bite your tongue before you say exactly what's on your mind.  That strategy saved a lot of teaching jobs as opposed to teachers ending up in the Big House.

When I read in the paper about the 29 local students who broke into the school last week to conduct the "senior prank," I can only imagine what stories lurk between the lines----with teachers, parents and the general public. 

It's a tough time for all.  I can remember a few moments as a parent AND teacher during this time of year that tested me beyond what any final exam could do.  

Still, we all made it through, maybe a bit scarred emotionally but with no prison records for child abuse committed due to temporary insanity. 

So, even though this three-day weekend may not suggest the same splendor it did back in my teaching days, I know that it's a welcome time for lots of folks who have anything to do with guiding and working with young minds at this time.

May the best of all prevail, and may the three days away from each other offer enough of a change in the routine that those last two weeks at our schools move on without incident.

Happy Friday to all---savor your Memorial Day weekend, even if you are retired. 

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