Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday Twitterdeedee

No spots on my camera lens, just the evening hatch at Bloom Lake northeast of Sandpoint.  Bill decided to take his pontoon boat and try out the beautiful little lake yesterday.  After what had been a stressful weekend, I said, "I think I'll join you later with the dogs, and we can have an informal picnic."  So, I did.  Doggies had to be on leash.  They were, so to speak, but could walk around and check out the surroundings.  The place is so nice, so tidy, so peaceful 'cept for those damn mosquitoes.  The evening hatch failed to bring much luck for Bill, the angler, but he still had a good time.

Our dogs are great beggars.  I did bring along biscuits, but human food is more to their liking, so they all feasted on Pringles potato chips.  And, no, Kiwi did not share Bill's Kokanee.  Nor did he offer her any of his giant bacon cheeseburger fried on the grill at the Elmira store.  On my burger rating scale, these would rank near the top.  I hadn't stopped in to the store for quite some time so it was fun to catch up with one of my former students who cooked our burgers.  Last time I saw her, she had one child; now, it's three.  In the midst of that, she's plugging away at college courses.  I told her I was proud of her.  While waiting, I connected with yet another student who's a local expert at African drumming.  She and her friend, ironically, were headed to Bloom Lake to do some fishing.  Bill said their luck was pretty much like his:  bad.

This is Bill in his new pontoon fishing boat.  Two of the three doggies raced to shore to meet him when he took a break from fishing for our picnic.  It was good to get away and enjoy the beauty and serenity of Bloom Lake and its surrounding area.  A great treat to end a holiday weekend.

We're heading back to a somewhat normal routine today.  Debbie will be here soon with Brooke and Todd.  They'll probably spend a bit of time with Foster in the new dog run.  It's a great place for the little guy to play in the company of his friends. 

Plus, there's a coffee can (Folgers, of course) filled with biscuits right at the gate.  So, doggies don't mind their trips to the run. 

I accomplished a lot of gardening over the weekend.  Almost everything is planted now, so the rest of the summer will be maintenance---which I thoroughly enjoy.

Soon school will be over, and my sisters will be home every day.  That's when I'll probably start taking my two horses over to work them in the arena.  

Lots to look forward to and lots to do.  Hope you all have a great Tuesday. 

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