Thursday, June 28, 2012

Doggone Fun

Social life has changed.  It's gone to the dogs.

Yesterday I received two calls, regarding a social opportunity for Foster, and, of course, his mommy.

The first invitation came in the morning for a 3:30 p.m. puppy party at Laclede.  

No need to call back.  Come if you can, Kathy said in her message.  My friend Kathy and my friend Diane have become good friends, thanks to their Aussie pups, who happen to be sisters. 

These gals and doggies have gotten together several times since everyone first met for a puppy party a month or so ago.

DeMaris, who also owns a sister, has joined the group, as has Resa, a Border Collie mom, who lives here in the neighborhood.

As the day played out, it became evident that I wasn't going to make it to Kathy's gathering.  Besides, I had received a second call from my sister Barbara.

"Can Meggie come over?" she asked.  Barbara and Laurie were told by Meggie and Jessie's breeder that they need to make an effort to keep these sister pups separate as much as possible.

They need to bond with their owners, not with their sisters, she advised.

So, yesterday afternoon turned out to be Meggie's first solo adventure with her owner away from home.  Laurie stayed home and played with Jessie.

Meggie, Foster and Jonas had a great time getting acquainted.  

Older dogs of the Lovestead BC Nation went to the dog run after it became initially apparent that older dogs, used to one-on-one attention, needed to stay out of the action.

We heard a little crying from the dog run, but in the front yard, all parties seemed to be quite happy with the get-together. 

I have been amazed of late to learn how many of my friends have recently become new puppy mamas.  There's a whole class of canine kids out there with adoring parents.

Information this morning, from the Laclede gathering,  tells me that plans are in the works for a bunch of these pups to go to obedience school.  

I just hope the parents don't turn out to be "helicopter parents" like many of us new puppy owners used to see during our teaching career.  

Our dogs must learn Love and Logic.  You can eat that furniture if you choose, but after you've eaten it, you may get a spanking.

You make up your mind, dear Banjo.  

You can run away when I call "Come"  if you wish.  If you do choose to run away, you will not get a biscuit.  You may get a lecture.  Now, make your choice, Foster. 

Yes, after these little ones have learned their Love and Logic and learned to socialize nicely with their friends, I can see great times ahead for pups and parents.  

Life does take on changes.  Priorities do change.  

Right now, it seems that we new pup owners are in for many hours of doggone fun----with our doggies and with each other. 



Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Looks like Jonas loves all animals. I am so happy he found you!

Adorable little pups! Congrats to your sisters.

Word Tosser said...

Looks like he is telling Foster, see you just take it like this.. and we will go for a walk..