Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let the Fun Begin . . . .

Some folks have already started their fun associated with the summer of 2012.  I've enjoyed following a couple of Facebook friends make their way across the country.  

In one case, I don't think there's much sleeping going on.  Buddy and his dad left Sandpoint early Monday morning, bound for Florida where Buddy will begin his "life after graduation" from SHS. 

Last night his Facebook post showed a huge meal with a slab of beef taking up most of the plate and a picture of the St. Louis arch.  Lord knows where they are this morning.

And, Rae, a former student--now teacher, said good bye to her classes near Palm Springs Friday and has just announced this morning on Facebook, "Good Morning, Baltimore!"

Of course, that's not a big deal when you consider our local Laughing Dog bike team of women from Sandpoint, taking off from one coast Saturday and arriving at another in seven days.  

They're riding to raise funds for autism, and I'm guessing they're riding for the fun of their lives too. 

I'm always envious of these folks taking their road trips, via car, bike or whatever.  Haven't gone on a good, long road trip here in the U.S.  since my brothers, my mother and I drove to Northern California back in 2004.  

One of these days . . . . 

Anyway, summer's hectic pace is getting off to a busy start today as local schools dismiss.  
And, while on that topic, I must congratulate those third graders, their teachers and other helpers at Farmin School.

They published a book called A Third Grade Guide to Sandpoint.   

My sister Laurie (who helped with the tech aspects) showed it to me this past weekend and told me to keep quiet until the official book launch with students and their parents yesterday.

I'm impressed----really impressed.  I also have a feeling their sales will be phenomenal.  

The book features favorite places or activities (with photos) around the Sandpoint area---each chosen by a third grader and then researched.  Then, of course, came the essays.

These kids have produced a product that will make them proud for the rest of their lives.  And, I'm betting it will help them strive far above the bar when taking on all future projects. 

The book is attractive, fun and timeless.  Congrats to all involved. 

It's available at Farmin School or by demand on  So, check it out.  

Well, as I was saying----school's out today for another summer. 

I was talking to my sister last night,  telling her our brother is coming from Western Washington today.  He'll set up shop with his camping trailer here at the Lovestead.

She said she's going to a dressage show this weekend in Spokane.  We then talked about all that's going on between today and Sunday.  

She's attending a retirement party tomorrow at Western Pleasure.  

We're celebrating our anniversary (Saturday)  and my brother's birthday (tomorrow) by going to dinner tomorrow instead of the usual Friday night out.  

We'll invite Willie and Barbara along with us  cuz Laurie will be at the party and Debbie will be in Omak for Girl Scout work.

Debbie and I will get together Friday night and help Women Honoring Women decorate for Saturday's Women of Wisdom luncheon.  

Willie will go with his basketball players to Spokane both Saturday and Sunday for a summer tournament.

Debbie and I will spend most of the day at the luncheon.  Barbara will go to Spokane again Saturday and Sunday to help Laurie with the horse show. 

Let's see . . . I'm figuring Bill and Mike will have to fend for themselves----could be some fishin' in there someplace.

Keeping track of it all is mind boggling for this old head.  I'm guessing when Sunday comes, everyone will be ready for another breather in preparation for the next chain of events. 

That's summer in Sandpoint, and we're all ready to let the fun begin.  Maybe that road trip will just have to wait until fall. 

Happy Thursday.

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