Monday, July 02, 2012

Rainy-Day Sunday Drive

We're feeling like summer this morning after yet another rainy day yesterday.  In fact, I've even already participated in an informal neighborhood meeting with Stan Meserve and Gary Finney.

The sun comes out.  The people come out.  We swapped a few stories at Stan's driveway and then Gary headed on to work.

Maybe we can stop talking about rain for a while.  Maybe before the summer ends, the trail leading in to the main woods will dry up and the dogs and I can enjoy a morning jaunt from one end of the place to the other.

Yesterday afternoon, to avoid complaining, we left the dogs home, climbed in the Ford Ranger and headed toward Clark Fork.  

It turned out to be a drive somewhat reminiscent of the Sunday drives my family used to take when we had the old '58 Ford stationwagon---back then, with two parents in the front and three kids in the back.

Like those trips, Bill and I drove to Montana.  Yesterday's route took us the back way along the Clark Fork River.  We stopped, walked down a trail and visited a railroad tunnel just west of Cabinet Gorge Dam.  

By that time, we thought we had actually escaped the rain, but it found us, even down by that tunnel.  So, we hurried back to the pickup and continued on through a fairly intense shower.

We drove through downtown Heron and on to Noxon.  Neither of us had ever seen the nice little recreation area just off the river west of Noxon.  

So, when we stopped there to check it out, Bill asked for my iphone in hopes of finding a geocache to find.  He could get to the geocaching site but never to caches listed in that area.

While he searched the Internet, I walked around and snapped photos.  The sun had come out, and it stayed out, all the way back home.

We enjoyed a special treat while stopping off at Icehouse Pizza.  The meatlovers pizza was great,  and so was the company.

It's hard not to eavesdrop at Bear's pizza establishment cuz tables are pretty close together.  Turns out both we and the group next to us were eavedropping on each other.

There was lots of talk of Chicago, as it is hometown to two of the gentlemen.   A nice lady came along and joined in on their conversation.

Eventually, I joined in too, and we swapped some Chicago stories.  I knew one gentleman was eavesdropping on us cuz he said, "You're a Michigan gal."  To which I explained my mother's Michigan roots and that we'd visited there several times.

I'd mentioned Michigan to some other friends (including a former student) who had stopped by our table earlier.

Just before the gentlemen left, we all introduced ourselves.  The nice lady knew who I was and I was delighted to finally meet her in person.  She and her hubby own Jeb and Margaret's Trailer Haven at Trestle Creek.

She also graduated from SHS in 1969.  Though I did not have Janice as a student when I student taught there, I know I would have enjoyed her.

A rainy day turned out to be lovely, not only weatherwise but with another wonderful experience of visiting.

When Bill and I came home, I snapped a few more photos during what was left of a pleasant summer evening.

And, today looks even better.

Happy Monday.  

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