Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Slight

A warm fall morning, it is.  My windows are wide open in hopes of cooler air here upstairs.  

We have been so blessed with lovely weather during September 2012.  If we've had a bad day all month, I can't remember it.

I also can't remember another time of having so many ripe tomatoes ON THE VINE.  

Yesterday I picked a full basket, and I'm sure today or tomorrow, there'll be need for more picking.   The 'mater bounty has been good this year.

~~~~We have a busy morning ahead, as we prepare for Laurie and Mani's reception at the Thank Goodness It's the Last Horse Show of the Season.

My sister Barbara put something on Facebook, reminding folks that things will happen on "horse-show time."  

With this show, that probably means sooner rather than later, so sometime between 11-noon, Laurie will do her exhibition ride.

After the ride, there will be carrot cake, cookies and punch for the people and some carrots/apples for people to feed the horse.

Our triplet nephew and nieces will be on hand to serve cake, and, if all goes well, my mother will be there with my older brother Mike and his wife Mary. 

Plus, lots of visiting with old friends, and, of course, horsin' around. 

So, if you're around this morning, bring your camera and an appetite for some cake and visiting.

~~~~I did some visiting yesterday at a memorial gathering for my classmate from first grade, Smokey Chubb.  Smokey was inducted into the Sandpoint High Athletic Hall of Fame during last night's football halftime.

Many of his friends and relatives visited for the afternoon at his sister's house.  Twas a mini Class of 1965 reunion, of sorts,  as I saw Dick Abromeit, Dave Ebbett, Chris Thompson,  Dann Hall, Linda Patton, Mike Parkins, Jim Miller----and probably more.

Somebody will be sure to remind me if I left out a name.

The gathering also included numerous former students and colleagues, so it was definitely an enjoyable experience.

This time next week I'll be joining Annie and a whole lot of geocachers at The Wildlife Experience in Denver:

We'll be involved in some geocaching activities through the weekend and then will head on to Montrose for a special visit with one of my best friends, Susie aka Sky.

Susie lived at the fairgrounds during her five years in Sandpoint.  That was just a half mile or so from our house.

Horses and riders often met halfway, and off we'd go almost daily.  

Our love for horses has never changed, and we'll have plenty to talk about.  It's been at least five years since I've seen Susie.

She was living in Prescott, Arizona,  at the time when my mother and I visited her, so it will be fun to see her new Colorado digs.

Plus, Annie and I will be enjoying anoter fun mother-daughter adventure. 

Can't wait, but I'll have to.  Lots to do before then.

Happy Saturday.

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