Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration Day 2013

It's Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, the day to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and to inaugurate the President of the United States. 

As a lifelong passionate follower of American history, I do not want to miss one minute of  Inaugural coverage. 

I still vividly remember several days throughout my career of leading my students into the back room at the Sandpoint High School library to watch the Inaugural festivities.

Regardless of who the President was, I felt it was vitally important for these young people to see a part of their country's history. 

That passion continues, except today just Foster will be watching with me, as Bill has to work today.  

So, this morning's blog posting will simply feature some photos taken in my travels yesterday.  

Festus, our head cat, did not mind having his portrait taken as he sat atop a ladder, not far from the bird feeder. 

I spent just a few minutes at ski joring practice.  Chrissy Smart and her son were doing a practice round over in Arnie Rains' field.  Chrissy said another practice is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 3 at noon in the same field. 

I drove through Ponder Point and along Whiskey Jack Road and enjoyed the lake view looking over toward the Long Bridge.  

And, the "cold" of the day created a lovely artistic image on our Scotch pine tree in the front yard.  Meanwhile, that lone tree out in the field north of Kootenai begged a picture. 

Another lovely but cold day and great fun with the camera.

Now, to the pomp and circumstance of our nation's Inauguration Day.  

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