Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Time to Gather as Family . . . .

Mother's Batch One:  Marianne, Kevin, Mike. 

Mother's Batch Two, plus one:  Jim, Monty, Barbara, Laurie

Catching up with a cousin.  Kevin had not seen our cousin Rita (Waltho) for 45 years. 

Now, where are we going to swim?  This bunch drove around a lot but never found the Sunnyside meeting place.  So, the kids came back and swam in New Big Blue. 

Friendly Pack River General Store caterers:  the best!

The spread 

Laura, Maureen, Tanner, Jim, Monty, Laurie.

In-law trio:  Joyce, Bill, Mary

Off to the God Tree

Climbing the God Tree:  Jacob, Gracie. 

Maureen and Tanner with the Lodgepole Log. 
Girls can do anything, even be crazy sometimes. 

Mary and her daughters:  Laura, Mary, Maureen. 

Willie, Debbie, Bill

Levi and Jacob.

Kevin, Joyce, Debbie, Annie

Cell Phone Photography in full swing

Mike in thought

Cousin Sue Skelton


Jim and Laurie

Gary Finney joined us and brought along a few stories. 

Sue raises a glass to the lady who influenced us all, our mother, Virginia Tibbs, also god mother to Rita. 


Anonymous said...

"Mike in Thought" could be Dick Cheney!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marianne, for a lovely day honoring a wonderful grandma!