Friday, July 12, 2013

Just Some Thursday Stuff . . . .

Fawns at Center Valley on a summer night.  Mama wanted to lead her fawns from one field to another via Center Valley Road, but some dumb woman with a camera kept backing up and pulling forward to take pictures.

Eventually the human invader to Bambiville drove off , and the deer family members went on their way. 

Author Scott Wyatt and Beth Bruce (one of my "outlaws") and one of Scott's classmates. 

Author Scott Wyatt with SHS classmate Bill Gee aka in the geocaching world as "Cross Country Shadow."  Bill was also my student teacher a long time ago, so long ago that he, too, is retired and eventually planning to move to Homer, Alaska, where his kids teach.

Author Scott Wyatt from Sammamish, Wash., visits with Phyllis Jay and Carla Joseph as Bill Gee listens.  

Well, not all exactly classmates, but Beth,  second from the left, and Marcia, right, owner of Vanderford's Bookstore, graduated with author Scott Wyatt from Sandpoint High School in 1969.  At the left, is Beth's granddaughter, and in the middle is Claire Sodorff, former SHS counselor and psychology teacher.  She's also Marcia's mother. 
Greg Vanderford and his lovely wife.  Greg is the son of Marcia Vanderford and grandson of Claire and the late Richard Sodorff.

Over the past few years, he has been involved in education at Saigon Sports Academy in Vietnam, where ironically, unbeknownst to him for some time, he lived in the same neighborhood as SHS 1978 graduate Debbie Darnell.
This fall Greg will be student teaching at SHS for Mrs. Nieman, and who knows, maybe some day he'll follow his grandfather's footsteps and work his way to principal.  Greg was one of my English students, and, yes, I'm proud of him. 

Author Scott Wyatt talks to a gathering at his book event last night at Vanderford's.  Wyatt's first novel Beyond the Sand Creek Bridge, set in the Sandpoint area, has been selling well.  He's finished a second novel and is working on a third.

Wyatt is also an attorney in the Seattle area.  From those in the know, I've learned he's speaking to an area book group tomorrow while enjoying a cruise along the Pend Oreille River.

Not a bad gig for an author. 

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