Friday, July 05, 2013

Scenes from a Fine Day

Another Fourth of July celebration is history.  In our case, the day was filled with good memories:  a fairly relaxing day spent mostly at home, visits to the Meserves and to our mother, a walk through the woods with Barbara, Laurie and their pups, time spent checking my most "cherished" game camera, the potluck barbecue topped off by three wonderful desserts (diets begin today), watching the Washington D.C. musical and fireworks extravaganza on PBS with colorful bombs bursting into the air outside. 

Willie, Debbie and Tressa (pictured above) spent the day engaged in civic duty---first the Girl Scout float at the parade and then coordinating the Lions Club kiddie events at City Beach.  They had a little much appreciated help from friends too.  

On the walk to the woods, Jessie and Meggie enjoyed a little Independence day themselves, getting to run free off leash with their pal Foster.  And, they even came when called. 

Bill found no new images of deer backs in the cherished camera.  He learned the other night that it might be better to attached the camera lower on the tree, allowing deer legs to appear in any upcoming images. 

Overall, yesterday's Fourth was a festive, delightful day, and, as Bill said this morning, it appeared that a good time was had by almost all.  Todd still doesn't get off on fireworks, but his dad comforted him and he survived. 

Now it's back to the general duties of keeping on top of things around here, like weeds in the pastures and water to the garden.  

Happy Friday. 

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