Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Slight

Not exactly renegade cows but definitely cows on a mission:  that's to get out of the gully and to the top of the hill where calmer cows prevail. 

These cattle spend their summers in a large pasture at the north end of South Center Valley Road, and apparently, they weren't ready for my presence when I stepped from the car Thursday evening to take their picture.

Camera shy, yes, but probably a better photo than first anticipated. 

Today starts the weekend of family, food and officially honoring our mother.   Some family are already here; more are yet to come.

I figure a lot of visiting and catching up will get done today, and I'm hoping the weather will cooperate for the barbecue,  scheduled here at the Lovestead later today.  

Spent several hours tidying up the lawn yesterday only to have a few minutes of wind over night mess it all up.

So, on this hot, MUGGY morning, picking up ugly cottonwood and poplar leaves replaced the usual walk.  Lots of bending over, though, so the body got a workout.  It didn't take much effort to work up a good sweat. 

And, the bees were already hungry at 6:15.  Hate to think of what their ravenous little tummies will be like tonight.  So, this morning we'll launch all-out assault on their favorite nesting places near the food and hope for the best. 

With all that needs to be done to make this day go smoothly, I'm gonna head on out of here and get at it.  

Happy Saturday. 

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Love the cow picture. Had to download it. Have a wonderful memory filled day.