Friday, November 22, 2013

Just Friday Stuff . . . .

 I changed lenses on my camera in hopes of getting an unusual shot yesterday.  After seeing the eagle on ground level in Taylor's field across the road, I called the dogs to the garage, found my telephoto lens and exchanged it with my normal lens.  Then, I walked out the front door and made my way quietly to a point in the yard where I could still see the eagle on the ground in the pasture. 

Reminding myself to stay calm, I walked further, deciding to stand behind the row of small cedars along the road and then quietly position myself to snap a photo of two. 

After all, it's not often that I see eagles below eye level, only once in my lifetime, in fact.   A few years ago, I drove by Wood's field on Selle Road and saw an eagle standing along the edge of a pond, which had formed from melting winter snow.  So, I figured yesterday's sighting offered a good opportunity to grab a permanent image of such an unusual scene. 

Approaching, the cedars, I checked to make sure my camera was ready to catch a quick photo.  Then, I carefully moved from my hiding place. 

Well, they call it "eagle eye" for a reason.  That very instant, the bird launched off into the air and flew east toward a tall tree where it landed on a limb.  Later, I saw it back, perched on a limb overlooking the spot where I'd first seen it.  Must be some good mouse possibilities in that area.  I stared at it for a while as it seemingly stared back, and I thought to myself, this may be the beginning of a saga, where maybe some day I'll be luckier and actually get that unusual photo.
 Then I moved on, not wanting to waste the use of the telephoto lens and looking up at Schweitzer, remembering that I'd just read that the ski area would be open Saturday, celebrating its 50th year as a resort.  That's definitely a lot happier anniversary than we note today as we remember the assassination of President Kennedy.  Today is a gorgeous day, a day to be happy, and I'm happy to wish my friend Helen a joyous birthday. 

While walking through the yard, I noticed that the bird house could use a new roof.  It's weathered, for sure, but actually kinda pretty.  Let's hope the roof holds up through another winter and that the house can welcome inhabitants in the spring.

And speaking of roofs, I'm still taking moments to admire that pretty new roof that Amos crafted for our deck.  It's been two weeks now, and in that time one part of our family has come to appreciate the change as much as I do. 

The kitty cats have found the chairs on the decks with comfy cushions.  Virtually every day for the past several days, I've known where to find them just about any time of the day.  The three of them are lounging away happily curled up in those cushions and leading the lives of happy, satisfied cats.  That's especially nice for Fuzzy Wuzzy, who's 16 going on 17.  What a nice change of pace for the old gal!  And, the deck will continue to be a nice change of pace for the rest of us too. 

Guess that's all for this gorgeous Friday, except to note that the ZAGS sure are looking good, especially with all those dynamite 3-bombs they drop every game.  5-0 so far.  GO ZAGS!  as you head off to play in Paradise. 

Happy Friday to all, says Miss Fuzzy Wuzzy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marianne... Gorgeous day for a birthday - and for taking photographs of beautiful, weathered bird houses and perhaps even yet, an eagle.