I did not have time to write my blog post today. I had to be at the school by 8:05 a.m. for the spelling bee. That's definitely OH DARK THIRTY for a retiree, so I've had to scoot around quickly this morning.
So, in honor of the conintued mission for all of us to spell words correctly, I'm leaving you with an exercise, which tests your knowledge of "ie" and "ei" words.
Have fun. Hope you earn 100 percent. It's okay to cheat after your first run-through of this work sheet from my teaching days.
Happy Wednesday.
Practice with “ie”
and “ei” words. Fill in the blanks with the correct letters in
each of the following words.
1. ach___ve
2. bel___f
3. br___f
4. c___ling
5. ch___f
6. conc___ve
7. conc___t
8. dec___ve
9. ___ght
10. ____ther
11. f___gn
12. f___sty
13. f___ld
14. for___gn
15. fr___ght
16. gr___f
17. h___ght
18. l___sure
19. misch___f
20. n___ther
21. n___ce
22. Pend Or___lle
23. rec___pt
24. r___n
25. r___gn
26. rel___f
27. sc___nce
28. s___ze
29. sh___ld
30. s___ge
31. sl___gh
32. sl___ght
33. spec___s
34. w___ld
35. w___rd
36. y___ld
Special clue, because its misspelling drives me nuts: always think of the famous outdoor store REI when trying to remember how to spell our lake.
Special clue, because its misspelling drives me nuts: always think of the famous outdoor store REI when trying to remember how to spell our lake.
Didn't take the test, cuz I'm busy this morning, too. However, I did notice a slight "modification" in the spelling of the word continued in your second paragraph. Darn typos. :)
Yup, darn typos----in a bit of a hurry this morning. The spelling bee was fun.
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