Thursday, February 13, 2014

Multi-task Thursday

Multi-tasking.  I’m not very good at it, but will have to do my best today-----after a day of frustration and some overnight emotional drain.

On this day, Gonzaga will play Pepperdine at 6 p.m. in the Kennel.  So, multi-tasking will involve playing host to my visiting brother, his wife and to whoever else shows up at the house for the game.  I think Pizza Hut is gonna help with that project.
Of course, during the game, there’s the internal multi-tasking of keeping emotions in check, ‘cept for when the ZAGS drop those 3-pointers, of course and when the final score has the ZAGS on top.  

A lot of energy goes into all those goals, on the part of virtually anyone associated with the ZAGS.

I spoke of frustration.  Yesterday and the day before turned out to be  tech nightmare days when the computer is threatened several times with violent nonexistence and the “air is blue” as my dad used to say.

Long story short, I now know that Microsoft Office 2007 was never gonna work for this new computer and that the 20-something-page forest plan, which I revised three times from start to finish yesterday, thanks to non-saves in transit and poor communication from my word-processing program to the program at Bill’s office.

When I finally headed to Staples (THAT WAS EASY) in frustration and was told, “Oh, you have Windows 8 on your new computer . . . those old programs don’t work so well on Windows 8 . . . .” 

Never mind that I bought it four years ago and that, except for my laptop, it has sat safely within its plastic case since then.

After all, I paid for a word processing program that could be used on three computers.  Well, when I installed it on this one a couple of weeks ago, I could never register it online, but didn’t think much of that problem until the darned program stopped working the other day in the middle of an editing job.

Then, I learned that I could not register it online or over the telephone, as the number given was no longer in service.  I even tried the "chat with a tech" online method of getting your questions answered.  

Turns out I was the only one who answered questions. The face on the computer screen assured me that she would get back to me.  I'm still waiting. 

Matters along those lines intensified throughout the day yesterday when an hour’s revision job turned into seven, along with crossed-eyes, clenched jaw, and, yes, “blue air.”

Well, I plopped over $150 smackeroos on the counter at Staples for the new Office 2013 and another $8 for a thumb drive. 

Eventually, stuff started working, and I have just finished what I hope will be my final, final, final edit of the forest plan from yesterday and the day before. 

Bill has a copy in the new thumb drive, and if my Internet comes back on, I can post this morning’s blog entry and send him another copy of the edited, revised, revised, revised document.

Life should get easier today.  I actually termed yesterday as “BITCH” day because it was so intense. 

When she came to pick up the dogs,  Debbie told me her day had been a bit frustrating too, so we were both glad our awful days were over, and both were ready to settle into a calm evening.

Well, the “gods” were not done with us.  What does “god” spell backward?  DOG.  

Yes, the gods inflicted pain upon our Todd last night, or maybe it was a coyote.  The Toddster, as Bill calls Willie and Debbie’s sweet, sensitive Border Collie, was attacked when he ran up the mountain behind their condo.

Blood and tears prevailed, as Willie and Debbie loaded him up and took him to the vet.  

The vet told them she thinks he’s gonna be okay but not until after the gashes in his now-shaved back heal.  

The Toddster, as I said, is very sensitive, and I’m sure he did not spend a good night away from his loved ones.

We’ll know more this morning, but what we do know is that “Hot Toddie,” as I like to call him, will need a lot of TLC over the next couple of weeks.  Drain tubes were mentioned and a doggie jacket.

For now, the Border Collie Nation, plus their adoring fans, are feeling Todd's pain. 

So, need I say more about multi-tasking?  There is more, but that’s enough for now, cuz I’ve got to get moving with this busy day ahead. 

Surely it won’t be as frustrating as yesterday, and, surely, the ZAGS will make us all feel better with a victory tonight.

Happy Thursday.  Hug your dogs; after all, their species does spell “god” backward. 


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