Saturday, November 01, 2014

Saturday Slight

We stayed home last night because we thought we were gonna have a lot of trick or treaters. 

At our house, “a lot” would consist of half a dozen, if we’re lucky.
Well, it turned out that during all that waiting and watching all those cars go zipping by in the darkness, only one pulled into our driveway.

Nonetheless, it was definitely a “treat” for us to welcome the Wood/McNall/Russell contingent into our living room and to do the annual photo op.
A couple of "hot chicks," a lovely young lady in her logging duds and little Mr. Superhero (who's growing up fast) filed in and sat down in their usual spot on the love seat.  

I always forget to mention that their grandma’s quilt (that would be Virginia Wood) adorns that piece of furniture.

These kids are always so nice, so polite and just plain fun.

After a quick photo shoot, out came the basket of goodies.  I told them to help themselves but cautioning that we may need a few candy bars for upcoming visitors.

Well, there were none.  

We could have waited for Swiss Miss and her friend, but they had gone to the Haunted House (wherever that is) and their ETA at the Lovestead would be questionable at best, so I reminded Debbie how Ma and Pa Love tend to drift off any time after 8 p.m.

So, Pa Love has himself a nice supply of treats left over from another Halloween.

We enjoyed munch on dinner and then sampling the Best Damned Pumpkin Dessert Period!  I had a little problem with it yesterday as its bottom crust got a little dark.

It’s such a nice dessert, though, that one can scoop it off from the bottom layer and all is fine and tasty and RICH, especially with the big glob of whipped topping.

And so, the calendar has turned over to November and Saturday and the fall-back time change and All Saints Day and ZAGS exhibition day.

I think Bill and I can manage to keep our eyelids from drooping tonight as we gather around the TV at 6 p.m. and watch this year’s Bulldogs put on their first show against a college from Kamloops, British Columbia.
I’m looking forward to Swiss Miss showing up too so she can see firsthand what all this excitement about “Go ZAGS” entails.  Should be fun.

Hope everyone survived Halloween, and here’s wishing a Happy Saturday.



Anonymous said...

It is good that we won't be home tonight. Rick would be SO frustrated because we don't get the Spokane channel airing the Zags. We are pretty excited about the start of the season.

Anonymous said...

Unplug cable, set up rabbit ears or even a coat hanger will usually get channel 6 with some tweaking.