Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Tuesday Twitterdee VOTE

It's voting day.  It's pouring rain.  I hope the weather doesn't stop people from taking the time to visit their polls.  

After all, when it's pouring rain, having an excuse to get out of the house is pretty nice. Plus, when we vote, we often get the added benefit of seeing familiar folks we don't normally see. 

Voting is always good for visiting AND it's good for the country.  

I saw a cartoon in this morning's paper depicting a grave with a apathetic NONvoter standing nearby. The message from the grave:  I died for this! 

Let's honor our troops---especially those who've made the ultimate sacrifice---through our own small sacrifice of getting out of the house, heading to the polls and exercising our sacred privilege of voting!

In other news, on Sunday, we did not have pouring rain, so Bill and I gathered a few things, including munchies, climbed in the work truck and headed north for a quick afternoon outing.

After all, we needed to return before dark which came much earlier on Sunday.

So, after stopping briefly to snap photos of some pretty horses in a field north of Naples, we headed up the Snow Creek Road, southwest of Bonners Ferry.  Bill says it's the main road to the Roman Nose lakes these days, and it's in great condition.

We knew we wouldn't make it to the lakes, but the great treat all along the way came in the form of stunningly gold larch trees aka tamarack.  

Logging jobs had thinned out areas, thereby accentuating the beauty of these trees in the fall.

We eventually turned off the Snow Creek Road headed to Cooke's Pass which leads to the Myrtle Creek drainage.  Bill was disappointed to see that the majority of larch in that had already lost their needles.

Still, the scene with golden carpets beneath the trees and on the road was neat. 

At Cooke's Pass, we parked the pickup and took a short but steep hike up to the top, which was open and filled with young larch.  

Then, it was "selfie" time.  I haven't done too many selfies with my Canon camera, but I found a nice rock where we could sit and a perfectly level stump in front of it where the camera could do its work. 

With our first selfie as a hiking team in Boulder Meadows a few weeks ago, Bill appeared a little reluctant.  

Not Sunday.  He immediately got into position and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the photo op.  As you can see, it was a little brisk up there. 

The outing was one of those "just right" trips.  Not too far.  Easy hike.  Beautiful scenery. Back home just before dark. 

And now, it rains!  They promise, though, that by tomorrow this will be tapering off, and we'll have four or five relatively dry days in the 50s.  What a bonus for November!

So, today I have two major items on my agenda:  voting and peeling apples.  

We had a sample of last year's applesauce with our baked chicken breast and homegrown potatoes last night, and the cold sauce served as a perfect complement to the main dishes.  

So, I must peel, peel, peel for a news supply.  It will be tedious but worth it; plus, the horses will be thrilled with the peelings. 

Happy Tuesday and do take time to VOTE!


Anonymous said...

Apple corer peelers work wonderful. You might check Walmart, they usually carry them this time of year. Also, sauce made with skins on is great as well. Then process through food mill. Leaving skins on is healthier and colorful. A food processor or blender takes care of it nicely.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Aren't the larch pretty this time of year.
Coffee is on