Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday Slight aka PI Day:

It's PI Day.  This day happens only once every 100 years when we reach 3141592653589. 

That means this morning AND this evening on 3-14-15 9:26:53:589, you can run in a circle yelling out numbers or do something else really crazy like beat on a PI day PInata or maybe buy a lottery ticket (using the numbers 3-14-15-9-26-and whatever number completes your fancy.  

I don't think the lottery tickets go into the 50s; if they do, someone will let me know. And, of course, it's possible that the winners using such a strategy will have to share a PIece of the lottery PIE. 

Nice to know, though, that if you miss the right PI time this morning, you can catch it later this evening.  

Not often do we get such flexibility with time, but it's important that we, for sure, catch the rerun of exact PI time tonight or we'll have to wait another 100 years. 

I wonder how many convenience stores will be overrun with lottery ticket buyers tonight. 

The other really punny thing that happens on PI Day is that people bake pies with the PI sign on them or the famous PI digits.  

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I found a few photos to illustrate.  And, please note that if you want to get artsy fartsy and specific with what kind of pie you have baked with a PI sign, you can stick a couple of apples or peaches or 3.14 pecans next to the pie and take a PIcture. 

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I know that PI deals with circles and ratios and such, but that's about as far as my mathematically challenged mind can go.  

In fact, as an English major, I get really mixed up when they start talking about PI ARE SQUARED, and then I start wondering if the grammarians have ever weighed in on that. 

Of course, that thought brings me back to a day in the huckleberry patch up Baldy a few years back when my daughter Annie----who's having a geocaching PI event of some sort today in the Seattle area----became curious as to the whereabouts of my English-teaching colleague Joy O'Donnell who was filling her bucket from a bush not far from me.

"Ol' McDonnell, where you ARE?" Annie asked.

Continuing to pick berries, Joy did not miss a beat.

"I ARE here," she responded.

So, I guess we can give PI a little slack once in a while whenever it wants to talk about itself and let the world know "PI ARE SQUARED." 

I'm still confused, though, about a mathematical term dealing with circles can suddenly turn square.

Oh, well, some of us have deficiencies whenever it comes to numbers and how they work. 

Then, there are the mathematicians and the musicians who find common ground with how all the numbers in the world work.  That knowledge helps anyone with the double M mind (that would be music and math) create some pretty interesting stuff, as seen in the video below. 

Music and Math Lesson of the Day . . . . and with this, I'll say GOOD PI.  Have a nice day of celebration. 

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