Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Tuesday TwitterdeeHOT!

Annie's on her way home.  She took off about an hour ago from Amsterdam and should touch down in Seattle a little before 4 this afternoon. 

Her plans changed slightly when she and her friends went to the Amsterdam airport yesterday, especting to fly to Rome.  The flight was cancelled.

So, they spent an extra day in Amsterdam enjoying the sights, statues and a social outing of Amsterdam proportions. 

Quite a trip from start to finish.  We're anxious to hear more about it this weekend. 

The Seattle-ites before heading home:  Annie, Naren, Smita and Jon.

Meanwhile, back here in the Northwest, where yesterday saw a record high 96 in Spokane, things did get warm, to say the least. 

Twas not a fun day to have to put up a temporary fence around the manure-pile garden and netting over my north-lawn planters.

Nibbling Bambi mouths were busy the night before, snipping off the tops of potato plants and anything else that looked good. 

I figured I had a little time before needing to put up the fences, but with everything this year, the deer are watching and robbing gardens earlier than usual. 

With company coming this weekend, the hot weather is a bit irritating as I try to get outdoor projects done, only to have to give in around 2 p.m. to avoid the misery of constant sweat dripping down my body. 

These mornings are pleasant, though, and now that Bill has brush-hogged some trails out in the woods, I can take the dogs and enjoy another facet of the place where dewberries abound this year.  

It has taken them a while to get back, but nine years of goat-free ground has brought them out in big numbers this year.  With the heat, they might even get to a ripe stage.

Besides romping around the woods, the dogs have been enjoying some special treats this week, thanks to Lily and Lefty and our farrier, John Fuller.

To dogs, nothing---not even fresh, ripe horse apples----comes close to a pieces horse hooves, trimmed off during the shoeing operation last week.  

The dogs covet these treats, and it was surprising almost a week later that a piece was still available for Foster to enjoy this morning.

Of course, Foster not only covets; he's downright covert with such delights, hiding them for a better day.  I guess today was the better day cuz he sure was enjoying his chewingfest this morning.

It's gonna get hot soon, so I'll shut up and wish everyone a Happy Tuesday.  

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