Monday, August 10, 2015

Yum-Yum Time

Iz it Monday?  Seems like a blur after the wild, crazy but wonderful schedule of the past three days. 

If it is Monday, that means there's a county fair ahead, and it also means I'd better get back to checking my garden cuz 'maters are rapidly ripening. 

I have a feeling a bunch of cucumbers are hiding under the vines this morning cuz I have checked on them in several days.  And, i know sweet corn will be on tonight's menu. 

Couldn't miss those 'maters, as they started turning red a few days ago.  And, what a crop it's gonna be.  Many are huge.  I even found one disfigured sample with a regular tomato and then a great big tumor sticking out of its stem. 

I'll have to do a little surgery on that one, but when 'mater season starts and we get our first tastes of that sweet juiciness, who cares what it looks like.  Simply a divine experience for the palate. 

Speaking of not-so-divine but downright maddening experiences, I had a couple of nice sweet bell peppers growing in a pot on the deck steps.  

Well, the pepper plant has been raped and pillaged.  Damn deer was nice enough to leave one pepper untouched after sampling the other.  

Apparently, sweet young bell peppers don't taste as divine to a deer as pansies.  The thieves come through for a nightly sampling of my pansies.  Yesterday one of the tall pots on a bigger planter next to the deck was lying on its side.

It's contents were lying out in the yard, with a portion snipped off---most likely the blooms. 

I noticed while coming back with the morning papers that the deck flower area seemed to be missing some of it color.  Well, with one entire planter of pansies missing and the decorative kale plants, which had just started their decorative state, GONE, 'cept for their trunks, a good percentage of the color show had taken a hit. 

I don't think I've ever had quite the disdain for Bambi that I've experienced nearly every morning this summer when the game of garden has racked up a record somewhat like the Mariners and their opponents.  In the Lovestead case, the deer earned about a .750 percentage to Marianne's .250. 

Thank God for a good garden fence. At least my main garden has remained relatively untouched by those pesky creatures.    

I was thinking yesterday after seeing the carnage from the night before that a fence around the deck area just does not seem like a reasonable remedy to the deer. After all, we WANT the outside world to see all the pretty flowers.  

The deer just plain don't care about "pretty."  After coming to that conclusion, I simply moved the pots with the peppers further up the deck steps and turned them around so the deer could snip off the flowers instead of peppers. 

The fun never ends when Yum-Yum time comes each summer.  It's just a question of who wins eating contest!

Happy Monday. 

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