Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Seen in the Neighborhood

Pack River honkers off Colburn-Culver Road

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood yesterday, but that is hardly a news item after all the beautiful days we've had in late December.  

I pretty much stuck to the neighborhood in my afternoon wanderings because of aches and pains and general fatigue.  

When Bill came home last night from work, I told him I didn't know if my problem was the flu or just too much shoveling of heavy snow to open up some key pathways around the yard. 

There has been a bug hitting members of our family this last week, so it could be the flu, but shoveling ultra heavy snow can create some protesting arm and leg muscles too.  

Whatever it happens to be, I'm feeling better this morning.  

Rather than spread my germs to humans yesterday, I decided the dogs could handle them for a short afternoon drive.  So, all three came with me. 

Little Liam still whimpers a bit when he gets in the front seat of the car or pickup, but he has his big brother right next to him to protect him.  Foster always rides shotgun.

By the time our loop drive to Samuels, down Evergreen Road and back to Center Valley had ended, Liam experienced another puppy awakening.  

In that short time, he figured out that if he stood with his front legs on the console, he could actually see out the car windows. 

The little guy practiced that all the way home, occasionally slipping back down into the seat.  I do believe that when he becomes proficient at standing on the console, he's gonna like going for going for drives as much as Kiwi and Foster.  

One day a couple of weeks ago, the car battery had gone dead.  So, Bill came home and figured out the problem.  He left the car running with both doors open and then headed back to town. 

All this time, I was in the house.  When I came out, Foster and Kiwi were settled in, waiting to take off.  They LOVE their drives. 

Puppy craziness in the house has pretty much settled down around here.  Liam knows his favorite spots for naps, and he seldom has accidents in the house.  

Speaking of which, Bill and I do wonder what's gonna happen when the snow disappears. Liam simply goes up against a snow bank, stands at a 45-degree angle, sticks his nose in the air with a look of pure pleasure and takes care of No. 1.  

I'm trying to envision the 45-degree angle when there's no snow to hold him up. 

In other news, I see by the Spokesman-Review that the SHS girls basketball team is enjoying some great success at a holiday tournament in Coeur d'Alene.  

They've won both of their games, and their record continues to improve after a tough start with a key player out. 

Congratulations, Lady Bulldogs.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on around here, so I'll just wish everyone a happy Wednesday.  

This barn is across the road and a field from us.  With my new 300 mm pocket camera, I can finally see what it looks like because just a structure off in the distance. 

Pack River along Colburn-Culver Road

Jerry Schilling's horses at a farm on corner of Center Valley and South Center Valley Roads. 

The ever-photogenic Lockwood barn just down the road from us. 

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