Saturday, December 31, 2016

Living the Dreams, 2016

I've heard and read countless times in the past several weeks some unflattering and sometimes unrepeatable terms relating to the year 2016.  

And, yes, I've felt that way a time or two with some of the events that have happened during this past 365 days.  

Everyone, it seems, has suffered losses, either of loved ones, good friends, heroes or maybe even a way of life that we hold dear.  It's easy to fall deep into the doldrums when so many bad things seem to happen.  We all have our dark moments, myself included.

It's also nice, however, when these events occur to take stock in all the positive points of light (as some folks like to call them) that we experience in the day-to-day living on this earth.  They truly sustain us. 

I'm late this morning because I've had a difficult time, hurriedly putting together a representative sample of the many points of light I've experienced or witnessed during this past year. 

In fact, even afterextending my personal deadline to 8:30 a.m., I still haven't gathered all that I'd like to include.  So, a few more may appear throughout the day.

Taking a few minutes to reflect reminds us that the darkness does give way to light a whole lot more often than the other way around.  If we celebrate our personal moments and experiences, we can often ward off the influences that tend to get us down.

Overall, I'd say in 2016, in spite of some things happening the ways many of us would not have chosen, life IS good and the dreams continue to unfold. 

Hope you enjoy the collection of vignettes, I've pulled from a busy, meaningful year. 

Happy Birthday this morning to my sister Barbara and my sister-in-law Joyce.  Also, GO ZAGS this afternoon at 5 p.m. and So Long, 2016.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fantastic photos !!

we will get together in2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been a difficult year for me
your outlaw-- rose marie