Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday Slight

Milestones, milestones!  Willie showed me a photo on his iphone last night. In the photo, he was wearing glasses.  It took a few seconds to dawn on me that Willie, who's generally pretty quiet, was actually letting the picture do the talking.  

He will be wearing glasses.  

Funny and "telling" to hear my newly minted 40-year-old son describe how his arms are suddenly not long enough anymore to hold an item far enough away to see it clearly. 

The moment was also telling because it brought forth the realization that my son actually reaching that point in his life where "optics" are not as clear as they used to be. That means I'm old. 

The glasses make Willie look pretty academic, which goes well with his profession.

Speaking of that profession, during our trip to and from Hope and Ice House Pizza last night (our annual escape from getting Lost in the '50s), we listened to "to do" lists, bucket lists and an abundance of upbeat conversation as my sisters, Barbara and Laurie, inch that much closer to their June retirement from the teaching profession.

More than 60 years worth of talent, knowledge and guidance has emanated from those two, benefitting thousands of students (including my own two children) over the years at Sandpoint High School and Farmin-Stidwell. 

Sad for upcoming students that it has to end, but having been there, done that, I know how excited my sisters are to move on with their lives, pursuing their own personal dreams and activities which, up to this point, always had to be squeezed in to busy, busy schedules.  

Horse shows, caring for animals, picture taking and a wide array of improvement projects around their farm tend to highlight their upcoming plans. 

We're all very excited for them and proud of their achievements during their years of "teaching the children."  In addition, we'll be welcoming them to the special club where, as one of our brothers put it a while back, "every day is a Saturday." 

On this "real" Saturday, Bill will head to Coeur d' Alene to particpate in Springfest at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds.  As a part of the Trout Unlimited exhibit, he'll talk this afternoon about "Crick Fishing."

Bill wrote a story for Sandpoint Magazine a while back about his own personal experiences with "crick fishing."  

Since then, he has endeavored quite enthusiastically to add to his knowledge of the sport. Did I, by chance, imply that my husband goes fishing a lot?  If you infer so, then you get the point. 

Knowing he would be going to Coeur d'Alene for this event, he mentioned a few days ago that part of the Springfest program involves a herding demonstration.  Since then, I've learned that the demonstration will be put on three times today by Liam's mentor, Randy Curless.

So, I'm watching the weather and deciding whether or not to head down that way to take in a session.  Besides Bill and Randy's activities, my sister Barbara is judging a horse show at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds.  So, it would probably be worth the trip. 

Finally, this morning, a couple of announcements, regarding Sandpoint Magazine. The summer edition hit the streets yesterday.  Hats off to Trish Gannon, publisher of The River Journal, who served as editor for this edition.

I've only been able to thumb through the hard copy quickly and to take a hasty scroll through the online edition, but the publication is looking great.  

It's packed with a healthy bundle of stories about the great resources of our community---the people, the landscape and the potential for adventure---not in any particular order of prominence.  

I say that because all three factors blend beautifully to make up the Sandpoint/North Idaho charm.  To learn about that charm, you can view the online publication at

Speaking of milestones, I chose an upcoming milestone in my life to write an essay for the back page of this edition.  Betcha can't think of its focus.  If you guessed my love for Sandpoint, you're on the mark. 

Lots going on, along with the evolving spring beauty where pastels and newly sprouted leaves are adding the present touches to our incomparable beauty.  

Happy Saturday.  Go check out that magazine.  It's available a numerous venues around Sandpoint and, of course, via online. 

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