Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday Slightly Squirrely

Yup, the squirrel population around the Lovestead increased by at least two during the past week, and we are constantly well aware of the newcomers.

They really seem ubiquitous.  This morning while snapping a few photos of the pair, I suddenly heard loud squirrel chatter behind me over in the plum tree.  

Now, I'm not really sure if there are three pine squirrels or if they really do move that fast.

The town squirrels have definitely taken  back seat to these cute little bundles of perpetual motion.  

They are not easy to photograph because they move so fast, so I'm quite pleased with the few images I caught while on the morning squirrel watch.

Of course, the turkeys were out and about too.  I was standing by a fence down in the field when I suddenly heard some rustling in the grass. Two turkey moms were coming through the fence from the Meserve Preserve. 

It would be difficult for any animal lover to get too bored around the place these days, as it seems that that the general 4 and 2-legged creatures are busy from dawn 'til dusk----either stealing apples or storing acorns or just plain rooting and grazing for ground goodies. 

I love all the critter activity. 

Yesterday, while listening to squirrel chatter, I painted a few sections of fence.  Once it starts and once one section looks so much better, there's an urge to keep on going. So, the paint buckets and brush will most likely get a lot of use over these next few lovely days. 

Right now, I'm listening to high-pitched whining from Foster downstairs.  He's quite broken-hearted, as usual, at the sight of Bill heading to the woods on the 4-wheeler with Kiwi running alongside.

Bill said he was going to use his chain saw before hoot owl restrictions go into effect for the day.  No sawing after a certain time.  No campfires at all as breezes blow and the land remains tinder dry. 

It's a lovely Saturday, and we're looking forward to puttering around with a few projects this morning and enjoying a fun adventure this afternoon. 

Happy Saturday. 

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