Sunday, December 03, 2017

Tis the Season: Davenport Christmas Magic

There are the gifts AND then there are the true gifts of the Christmas season:  music, generosity, nostalgia, creative and loving artistry and gentle reminders of our purpose on this Earth. 

As always, a trip to the Davenport Hotel lobby in Spokane evokes many of the above.

We, the well-aged Loves and Young Loves, arrived at the Davenport after attending a Lady Zags game at the Kennel and that was after enjoying a fine lunch and a microbrew at the No-Li Brewery near the Kennel. 

Before the game began, we enjoyed an added surprise of visiting with my cousin Lauri and her hubby Darrell, longtime and loyal Lady ZAGS fans. 

Twas my first time seeing the Lady ZAGS in person, and it turned out to be a great introduction as they easily handled the visiting squad from Portland State. 

Rain had stopped when the game was over, so it was on to the Davenport where I promised I'd take just a few minutes to take a few photos of the exquisite decorations inside. 

Turns out yesterday must have been the grand opening of the Davenport Christmas display, and it turns out (I did not know this until yesterday) that all those trees up on the second floor, along with accessories arranged around them were raffle items. 

Seems a lot of people show up for the grand opening.  Last year I visited on a day when just a few people were strolling along that balcony.  Yesterday we had to SQUEEZE into line; that's how popular the expansive display is. 

Each of the 25 trees and their accompanying items included a glass ticket box.  Whoever's ticket is drawn from each box will win the tree and the entire display of donated items---amounting to an average $5,000.

As we moved along the way, we met Donna, a Seahawks fan wearing twinkle lights. 

She and I both agreed that it would be nice if the Seahawks could pull off an upset tonight when they play the league leading Philadelphia Eagles. 

Later, Donna and I met again after I'd learned that the twinkle-light ladies had the raffle tickets.  The raffle benefits Spokane's Symphony.  Donna told me that last year $280,000 was raised. 

I purchased ten tickets, filled them out, slipped them through some glass box slots and gave a few to Debbie who chose a couple of other trees. 

I think the odds of us winning anything are pretty slim, but that's okay.  Even as we maneuvered through the crowds, I was blown away with the creativity and carried away, on occasion, to past times and past Christmases and memories of people dear to my heart. 

I would encourage anyone who visits Spokane to take some time to see this wonderful and magical extravaganza.  It definitely does its job in conjuring up some healthy Christmas spirit. 

Thanks, Davenport, for all the gifts of beauty. 

Happy Sunday, and welcome home to Seattle, Annie Love, from your wonderful vacation Down Under. 


Selfie in the ornament:  Mom Love and Debbie Love

I don't know if he was dreaming of a white Christmas in this photo, but I do know that it was nice to see Bing in one of the Davenport historical displays.

 Yes, Bing was a ZAG!

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