Thursday, March 08, 2018


To the women of my life:  if you be friend, colleague, family member, famous figure, neighbor, former student, casual acquaintance, Facebook friend, etc., you have inspired me.

If you came before me, grew up with me, worked with me or if you are simply budding and ready to bloom, you inspire me.

I don't think of International Women's Day as political in any way, shape or form.  

In fact, I did not even realize that today was that day until another amazing woman from Brazil left me a lovely private Facebook note, which I read first thing this morning.  

Thank you again, Anahid.

So, now that I know it's International Women's Day, thanks to all the women of my life---in the past, at the present time and in the future---SO many more than just the photographs. 

Doesn't matter what your lot in life happens to be, I cherish the moments, no matter how brief or how ongoing, that I have had the good fortune to spend with you. 

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