Monday, July 09, 2018

CB Does Visitors, Et. Al.

Nothing like beginning a post about a special Lovestead visit with a Border Collie sign.

Well, the sign arrived on my phone around the same time as the people did----from Scotland, compliments of Annie.  

So, of course, it warmed my heart for two reasons---Annie and Border Collies.  Always nice to see reaffirmations of how we feel about our collies. So, thanks, Annie.

Yes, we had a special visit yesterday.  For a time, I thought it was going to be "oh so brief."  

My niece Laura sent me a text telling me the gang would be going to the Draft Horse show for about an hour around 12:30 p.m., adding a query, "Is it okay if we come and see you at noon?"

Of course, I said yes, figuring that whatever minutes were left with their having drive to a few miles away to the Draft Horse Show by 12:30---after arriving at our place at noon---would, indeed, be precious moments.

Two major items were on the docket besides general visiting:  Marlo would be reconnecting with CB, whom she and her brothers named, and we would get to hear straight from the recently-arrived Justine about her Camino experience.

As Bill and I sat relaxing on the deck, awaiting their arrival, I said, "This needs to be a tightly planned visit."  I figured 15 minutes at best. 

Well, it turns out, happily so, that Laura got her time mixed up, and they really planned to arrive at the Lovestead at 2 p.m. instead of noon.

So, we enjoyed a wonderful visit as first Jeremy "JT" Thompson arrived, then Laura and Heather and the girls.  Later Tre and the guys showed up. 

We had plenty of time for Miss Marlo to play chuck-it ball with the dogs; in fact, I almost had to drag her away to go get little CB. 

It's evident Marlo loves her dogs and horses on a pretty equal basis. 

Justine shared many fun anecdotes about her adventures with Annie and the other Camino pilgrims.  Need I say that she's already looking forward to traveling with Annie again.   
I have a feeling a rich seed for travel has been planted in this 16-year-old who has to take her jet-lagged body back to work on her summer job this morning. 

CB seemed to be a hit with everyone as we brought him to the front yard where he enjoyed a whole lotta tender loving care and grooming.  

Later, Marlo made sure he wasn't starving, taking bites of hay right past Lily and Lefty's noses to her new best horse friend. 

I'd call it an understatement to say that a good time was had by all of this extended family which continues to grow and appreciate each other.  

It was enjoyable to observe and take in the dynamics of the whole group and its little pods of people, ranging from an 8-year-old dynamo to teens and beyond, to 40-somethings to a 70-something, all having a great time. 

So, thanks, visitors.  It was delightful, and I'm sure CB enjoyed the experience as much as anyone. 

In news from afar, Miss Annie is touring London as I write, promoting the Sounders on Abbey Road, as shown below. 

She'll be returning to the United States tomorrow and back to work on Wednesday.  I'm figuring there may be a "re-entry" shock, lasting only long enough for her to set her sights on the next great adventure. 

Happy Monday. 


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