Sunday, September 16, 2018

More than Just a Horse Show

Yesterday's Last Horse Show of the Season proved that there's much more to a horse show than horses and riders going in circles.

There's planning, creating and preparing. 

There's teamwork.

There's family.

There are dreams sought and dreams fulfilled.

There are proud family members and friends, acting as cheerleaders or enthusiastic support staff.

There's sittin' around and visiting.

There's remembering horse lovers in Heaven.

There's "hurry up and wait." 

There's "quick changing." 

There are longtime friendships. 

There are people just plain having a good time.  

There are pretty horses performing magnificently in some cases and not so in others. 

There are volunteers who work hours to put on a great show. 

There are little ones who find their own forms of entertainment. 

There are judges who keep score, and if they're good judges like the two yesterday, they give constructive advice where needed.

There's cameraderie among horses who grew up together and among  the humans who love all those horses. 

Heck, like yesterday, there are even Germans.  So nice for Emma to meet some countrymen. 

In some ways, horse shows offer one of the great tapestries of life with the beauty, the preparation, the achievement and the pure love, friendship and pride.  

Twas a great Last Horse Show of the Season yesterday.  

Congrats to the show staff and to all who came, participated, watched and enjoyed the moments of the day.   


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