Sunday, March 24, 2019

No Madness, No Mud

Interesting scene as I drove down the driveway toward my sisters' barn last night after our ZAGfest.


Just a quickie this morning.  

A busy, action-packed day lies ahead.

No basketball watching, no tracking mud into the house, no dogs to bathe, no brackets to monitor (well, maybe I'll check when I can).

Today marks a significant break from both madness and mud.  Plus, it means doing something very different, definitely "a once in a lifetime," for me anyway.

I'll be accompanying my daughter-in-law Debbie on a quick trip to parts yet unnamed.

We're planning to experience a whirlwind change of pace in both of our lives.

This past week, Debbie has been fully immersed in the annual Distinguished Young Women scholarship program, which held its pageant last night. 

I received a text from her at 12:55 a.m., so I know she's been dealing with sleep deprivation for the last few days. 

We're both excited about what will unfold in our travels today. 

Should be fun, inspiring and funny.

Stay tuned.


In other news, just in case anyone in the world hasn't heard, the ZAGS men and women had a very good day yesterday.

And, that is very good because we still have a lot of snow hanging around. 

They have to keep playing until the snow is completely gone and the mud starts drying up. 

For ZAGS fans in this area, spring officially begins when the ZAGS end their season. 

Hoping for a couple of weeks before declaring SPRING. 

In the meantime, both teams have made it the Sweet Sixteen and will be dancing and demonstrating their ZAG finesse and class for another week. 


We love our ZAGS!

Happy Sunday. 

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