Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday Minutiae

I'm not a multi-tasker, but this morning I've had to try.

I'm not complaining at all. 

When you're carrying on a conversation with one person in Hong Kong via Messenger and another in Dublin over WhatsApp AND trying to get going with your blog, it gets a bit challenging. 

Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. 

These two people at opposite ends of the planet (at least from the Sandpoint perspective) used to play together often as children. 

Always busy, always creative in their busYness:  that was Josh and Annie.  

 I can remember comments made by one parent at the time that these two were gonna do great things some day.

Well, Rae, they both have, and they continue to do so.

Visiting with Annie as she sat in Dublin Airport on a layover in her Berlin to Seattle flight and Josh Wilund in equally far off Hong Kong made my day. 

I told Josh that I can't wait to see an "Annie Love-Josh Wilund" sitdown where they talk about their respective life journeys which are far from conventional. 

Josh sez that visit will happen!

Anyway, Annie is on her way home, and yesterday offered another cosmopolitan thrill.  

Olivia, the mom of Willie and Debbie's exchange student Emma, picked up Annie yesterday after her geocaching event, took her on a tour of Berlin and then to dinner. 

Another circle of our extended family not to be broken.  

Loved it, and thanks, Olivia. 

Except for my multitasking communications adventure, life is fairly relaxed around here this morning. 

Yesterday was weed-eating, lawn-mowing day, so, happily, today offers the opportunity to work on a variety of projects. 

Bill just left to attend a Sandpoint tree committee meeting, and I'll be out watering soon and putting out some more young plants. 

Earlier this morning, it seemed to be "Focus on the Menagerie" day.  Poor ol' Foster and Kiwi got left out in the mix of pics as I did my morning chores. 

My friend Helen said she hadn't seen Festus in a while, so he was happy to pose for a photo. 

And, I cannot say enough about that Sunny, the queen of the barn.  Every morning while I'm brushing CB while he eats his grain, Sunny suddenly appears from her perch up on the hay stack. 

She thinks she needs to be in the stall with CB.  I tell her I think not.  I do believe she has a growing and kindred relationship with the horses, and I think she probably does a lot of commiserating with them overnight. 

Actually, for Sunny, no need to commiserate.  I think she's found the Feline Ritz!

Speaking of comfort zones, Mr. Liam has his on the bed, which is usually covered with towels as is the living room furniture. 

In short, life is pretty good for each and every beloved here these days.  I hope we can keep it that way. 

Happy Monday.   

Annie and Olivia in Berlin yesterday. 

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