Saturday, July 13, 2019

Solemn Day

So many thoughts of you drifting about on this day.

It's been six years. 

Six years on the calendar makes today so much like the day we said good bye to you.

It was a Saturday, like today.

The weather was beautiful, like today. 

Family members were involved in two horse shows; same is true this weekend.  

Later, we figured that's exactly how you would have preferred your last day on earth----the consummate, lifelong horse lover you were.

You could now sit up there in Heaven, maybe even on one of your beloved horses, and watch both shows. 

Plus, your picture had appeared on a local magazine cover that week . . . ON YOUR HORSE!

What a grand finale!

Still, a poignant loss for all of us as you, along with Harold,  were our rock, our family glue, our enforcer, our inspiration, etc.

More than likely, you still are performing all of the above---only from above. 

Miss you so much.  

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