Sunday, December 01, 2019

Walk in the Woods/Planet Earth

It ain't easy typing this morning. 

Cut my right index finger next to the nail yesterday with a really SHARP paring knife.

I was aiming at some duct tape to secure the glasses holder around my neck which keeps separating itself from the glasses.

The finger got in the way; then I ran away squealing at the biting pain.  In the midst of squealing came grabbing anything that could stop the blood.  

Twasn't a pretty sight but eventually, with Bill's help, we wrapped the finger with a whole lot of bandage---hardly a subtle finger sight, to say the least.

This happened just moments before my sisters arrived to join us on a trip to Pine Street Woods.  It would be their introduction to the large plot of land recently acquired by Kaniksu Land Trust. 

It's a public area now, providing oodles of open space for peeps and pups to enjoy the outdoors.  Note:  that would be pups under control. 

In this setting, there's outdoor education and mountain biking along with hiking.  This winter cross country skiers will ski to their heart's content. 

And, from what I hear, other recreational opportunities will be added to the list. 

Twas cold yesterday, but once we started walking, we warmed up a bit, making for a pleasant walk through the open fields and wooded areas.

From our little sample yesterday, I'd say we'll be back, exploring other areas within the woods. 

Truly a great gift for the local outdoor lovers. 

Enjoy the pictures. 

On another topic, this morning, I was scrolling through the usual clutter of Twitter, which, in my feed, includes ZAGS and Eastern sports stuff and a whole lot of political shorts.

I've also come to realize that I see tweets from followers of people I follow. 

In this morning's case, that factoid did not dawn on me until AFTER I had copied a link and written a note to the poster, named Jacqueline Pietsch, telling her thanks for sharing, those pictures are SO beautiful, and, by the way, are you related to another photographer I know . . . Chris Pietsch . . . he's a former student who did our wedding.

Sending that tweet reply off, I looked again at her tweet and, sure enough, there was Chris Pietsch's name.

Since she's from London and Chris' uncle lives in London, I'm assuming she may be Chris' cousin.  

Guess I'll find out soon enough.  

For now, I'm always going to associate her with the touching, unique and beautiful photos she shared on her Twitter feed. 

To say the least, viewing these photos certainly softened much of the other content seen on Twitter. 

I encourage you to click on the link and prepare to be blown away with the lovely content of each photo. 

You are definitely in for a magnificent photographic treat. 

And, Happy Sunday.    

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