Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Feelin' Good in the 'hood

It felt a bit like fall this morning when I took the horses down the lane to pasture.  

And, I'm hearing from weather forecasters the good news  that we will NOT surpass 90 degrees on the thermometer this week.

It's turning into a lovely summer morning.

We're back to the old days when nights were cool and days were warm but not exceedingly hot. 

Twould be nice to have a full summer with the same trend.

The morning felt good for another reason.  There's a freshly mowed lawn here at the Lovestead, which means my day will be filled with little tasks here and there. 

I like the flexibility.  

Pickin' and grinnin' season is starting so each day will be satisfying as blueberries and raspberries ripen.  Cukes are growing and the bean plants are alive with blossoms.

So, I'm hoping for moderation with the pickin' and grinnin'. 

I didn't just grin but smiled yesterday upon discovering that the day lilies just off the deck are starting their annual show.  

And, the African daisies are popping open with different colors all over the place. 

Yup, it's a good time and a welcome slowdown from the past few weeks of hurry-ups. 

One task I wanted to address right away this morning involves the Reclaim Idaho "Invest in Idaho K-12" Initiative.

My former students Luke and Garrett, founders of Reclaim Idaho, have set off on the second of their trio of issues (health care, education, public lands) they believe should be addressed through the efforts of Reclaim Idaho.

Thanks to their efforts, along with their team of more than 1,000 volunteers, thousands of citizens across the state have been able to sign up for Medicaid.

Since then, they launched the education Initiative, seeking petition signatures for it to land on the Idaho ballot.   

Then the Pandemic came along.  

These folks don't give up easily. Fortunately, through their orchestrated perseverance, petitions for this Initiative can now be signed electronically.  

After one day of electronic signing, the Initiative has received 3,000 more signatures, and they're looking for a lot more. 

So, if you're from Idaho, I encourage you to check out the links below.  One site explains the Initiative and answers a host of questions you may have about taxation, who this benefits, etc.

The other allows you to sign electronically.  

I also encourage you to pass the word to your friends and relatives across Idaho.  We may be in a Pandemic, and there are many questions about how public education is going to look this fall, but there will always be a need for education.

When Idaho ranks at the bottom for the amount it spends on education funding, we could do better. 

So, thanks for taking the time to read and to sign.  It's a very reasonable and much needed reform in Idaho education spending.  

What better use of Pandemic time than to participate in and make a difference in the way education is financed in this state.  

For folks who hate taxes (who doesn't), a spoiler:  possibility that school levies won't be necessary. Learn more from the links. 

As Luke's high school English teacher, I can vouch for the fact that he and his team are on the right track to benefit the future of Idaho's students. 

In other news, thanks to Facebook, I gained some valuable and fun education last night. 

For the past couple of weeks, I've been very aware of this little bird which created a nest up in our deck roof.

In fact, for the past couple of weeks during Friday-dinners in the lawn off from our deck, others have notice the cute little thing sitting on some metal deck ornaments. 

It seems to be a very social little bird which wanted to be part of our gathering.  None of us, though, had any idea of its species. 

Finally, after an afternoon of watching the bird flitting along with me as I mowed lawn or while I walked around the deck area, I decided it was time to reach out.

And, by golly, in no time, I learned from several enthusiastic bird watchers that it's a Western flycatcher.  I also learned that other bird lovers appreciate its sweet presence just as much as I do. 

The bird has added a delightful dimension to any trip outside to the deck or the front yard. 

My Facebook birdwatcher friends tell me that it's likely to return next year. I may have seen its mate but am not sure at this point. 

This morning I tuned in to it's "peep" after one person noted its sound.  Another told me it's fun to watch the birds catch flies. 

We've had our usual finches and juncos and chickadees every year, but this little creature is definitely a new kid on our block. 

And, we're glad to have it around.  As one friend said, "they're your little angels." 

A nice new touch in the midst of the Pandemic.  I see we have another big jump in cases over the weekend here in the county---19. 

Be safe everyone.  Have a wonderful Tuesday.  Smell the flowers, listen to the birds AND tell your Idaho friends to look up those links and sign the petition. 

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