Just when we think we're gonna have another stretch of sunny days, this happens.
Big, dark clouds form, and then the rains some. It's still raining lightly this morning after a night of wet stuff.
Last night, after washing a horse blanket and a sleazy to keep Lily clean for this weekend's horse show, I draped both items over the board fence to dry.
Silly me. They're still soaking wet, but they have until tomorrow to dry, so there's hope.
The one consolation about all this rain for those of us who didn't get to go to Ireland this year is the greener than ever look of July.
I don't think the farmers are so happy cuz the more it rains, the less they see of green----money, that is.
It's nice to have another photographer hanging out at here the Lovestead this summer, occasionally recording her own perspectives of the place for her ongoing "My Own Private Idaho" series.
Last evening Annie caught this nice shot of the tamarack tree just a few feet from the machine shed and along the fence line.
The photo was taken when the skies still had a lot of blue as they were preparing for clouds to come in and dump on the ever-greening grass of the Meserve Preserve and the Lovestead.
Paula and Dean Fredlund, looking mighty fine. |
For me, it was "Down Brown."
For my friend Chris, it was "Blush."
I think Chris responded with much more alacrity and regularity than I did upon hearing these playful teasings from biology teacher Dean Fredlund.
Mr. Fredlund was not my biology teacher, but I still hung out in his classroom a lot back in the good ol' days of the 1960s.
Chris, on the other hand, says Mr. Fredlund's inspiration as her biology teacher sent her into a science-related career, both as a college professor and researcher.
Chris and I used to tell Dean Fredlund stories among the many topics we covered while working together for the U.S. Forest Service.
During the time we were growing up, Mr. Fredlund married Miss Miles, a first-grade teacher at Southside School.
Then, they left us, heading north to a beautiful town in British Columbia, called Salmon Arm.
A few years later, remembering my fondness for Mr. Fredlund and knowing that a trip to Canada on our way to the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival could be a lot of fun for both the drill team and the school band, we connected and went to work organizing the plan.
It involved hiring fancy tour buses for the two groups and heading across the Canadian line, traveling though some spectacular scenery. After our arrival, kids were paired off with kids from Salmon Arm, heading to respective homes for an overnight stay.
The next morning, our band and drill team performed in the gym at Salmon Arm's high school.
Then, we headed on to Wenatchee where the groups spent the night sleeping on gym floors and the next day performing in the parade.
What a memory and what a wonderful experience for all concerned.
And, so, yesterday when a note came in my mailbox from Paula Fredlund and Salmon Arm, stating that all was well with the couple AND that Dean wanted me to bring the drill team back up to Canada, I forgot all about Pandemics for a while and indulged in some delightful nostalgia.
Paula had included a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Fredlund in the note, so I posted it on Facebook, asking people to "guess who" this wonderful couple happened to be.
Some great and some wrong answers came, some involving other favorite teachers. One FB friend posted that she had participated as a flower girl in Miss Miles' (her first-grade teacher's) wedding.
Several others, including Chris, posted that they had chosen science-related fields because of Mr. Fredlund's influence.
"Best teacher ever," one posted, referring to Dean.
Besides the "Down Brown" command, one of my high school memories regarding Dean happened the first day of school when we all assembled in the gym at the old high school.
Teachers were seated in folding chairs down below on the gym floor while the student body was seated above on benches surrounding the gym.
The principal, Mr. Sodorff, took time out during the opening assembly to introduce the faculty one by one.
When he introduced Dean Fredlund, students jumped from the benches and went wild with enthusiastic applause.
I can remember later hearing one teacher----let's just say that person's applause was tepid in comparison----complaining because of that nonsense.
Mr. Fredlund was a beloved teacher whose positive influence both inside and outside the classroom left an indelible mark on pretty much every student who did or, like me, did not sit in his classroom.
Since those days, Paula and I have kept in touch occasionally. It did my heart good to see her card in yesterday's mail and to see that they are doing fine, and I know from the comments from former students, that I'm not alone on that count.
"Out of the blue" seemed to be the theme around this house yesterday, as Bill talked nearly two hours on the phone when one of his friends from Louisiana surprised him with a phone call. The two had not connected for decades.
Both have worked in the forest industry, and ironically they have friends in common-----David and Betty New. Betty just retired as director of the Idaho Forest Products Commission.
On a more concerning note, yesterday our county's Covid cases jumped by 13 overnight. We now have recorded 57 cases in Bonner County. For about three months, the number had stayed at 4.
Then, came Memorial Day, and then came the Fourth of July.
I thought I would include the Panhandle Health District's Position Statement, published July 8 in this morning's post.
As usual, their sensible suggestions have been met with a variety of reactions, one of which implies that people who wear masks are pathetic sheep.
Seems the independent-thinking pseudo-experts, who, of course, obtain their infinite knowledge from years of research and not from Facebook, like to use "sheep" as an insult for all us pathetic saps who wear masks.
I could not resist responding to one post yesterday, proclaiming myself a proud mask-wearing sheep.
Later, I realized that total accuracy of my proclamation would have demanded that I call myself a "ewe."
Ewe stupid thing; you wear a mask!
Yes, I do. Why don't EWE?????
And, for the record, I'm thinking anyone who knows me at all would agree that I'm being beyond facetious in calling myself a sheep.
All that said, I'll repeat to those who think we are giving up our liberties by following some sensible guidelines that might help keep ourselves and others alive, we are giving up our liberties by wantonly defying common sense and allowing this Pandemic to go on in this country much longer.
I'm personally looking forward to the day when we once again have the liberty/freedom to travel and to enjoy spending time with our friends and family.
I see no liberty in getting sick or in dying.
But then again, in this upside-down-world we are experiencing, my perspective appears to be "so yesterday" to so many.
Nonetheless, I like my masks, especially, of late, the stylish geocaching one Annie gave me. And, I plan to spend time with them as long as needed.
Happy Friday. Stay safe.
Read the guidelines below, and do your part to help everyone through the Pandemic.
Panhandle Health District Position Statement
July 8, 2020
Panhandle Health District 1 Board of Health (“PHD”) acknowledges the
significant recent increase in District 1 COVID-19 infected case
numbers. This increase in case numbers will significantly increase
COVID-19 illness in our community and the resulting increased demands on
healthcare, as well as having a negative impact on business activity,
personal interactions and related activities. There is also the
potential for the increased infections to overwhelm our regional
healthcare capacity.
Based upon previous research with influenza
virus, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV, and evolving research with COVID19, PHD
strongly endorses community-wide masking, social (physical) distancing,
and repeated proper hand hygiene (properly wash hands, use hand
sanitizer, keep hands away from face). Ongoing research regarding the
spread of infective viruses documents that such viruses are released in
droplets during exhalation, coughing, and even talking.
indicates that such droplets can be small enough to remain aloft in the
air. In light of the serious danger and implications due to this recent
significant increase in COVID-19 infected cases, PHD strongly recommends
that our community members be consistent and vigilant in practicing the
- On a Community-wide basis use masking,
social (physical) distancing, and repeated proper hand hygiene (properly
wash hands, use hand sanitizer, keep hands away from face).
sure that all indoor gathering sites provide sufficient and effective
ventilation, particularly in public buildings, workplace environments,
schools, hospitals, and aged care homes (opening both doors and windows
can dramatically increase airflow rates in many buildings).
-Avoid overcrowding, particularly in public transport and in public buildings.
possible, provide supplemental general ventilation with airborne
infection control such as local exhaust and high efficiency air
-It is recommended that local businesses require
masking by their employees in all situations where selfisolation (i.e.
private offices) is not possible, require (or at least encourage)
patrons to wear a mask upon entry to the establishments (particularly
when physical distancing is not possible), keep surfaces in the business
effectively clean, and provide hand sanitizer for employees and
patrons. Individuals should use masks in public when they cannot
accomplish physical distancing of at least 6 feet. Such mask use can
reduce case transmission.
PHD also continues to endorse
increasing testing availability, as well as ongoing case identification
and epidemiologic tracking. PHD will continue to monitor the situation
and while not currently endorsing mandatory rules and/or a COVID19
Recovery Stage roll-back, PHD may consider such actions if necessary to
protect the health of our community.
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