Sunday, August 02, 2020

Family Fun Album

Yes, I do believe a good time was had by all.

Amazingly, we stuffed a lot into a Saturday with our cousin Rich.  

Most was good ol' North Idaho recreational fun while some included the day-to-day "to do's."  

Rich had some maintenance items with his truck and travel trailer.

I had berries to pick. 

Bill had some shopping, and Annie went geocaching with Foster. 

Still, we managed a trip over to my sisters' where Rich just wanted to get on a horse and ride. 

So, Barbara gave him the treat of all treats:  he rode her Dusty. 

All went well, and it was apparent the three had a great time talking and plodding through the recently harvested hay field. 

Later in the afternoon, kayaks and Annie's new paddle board went into the pick up, we donned masks and drove to a put-out place at the Pack River delta. 

Delightful, serene and relaxing---my take on the kayak trip around the delta and to an island where Annie and Rich located a geocache.  

Recreation just doesn't get any better than yesterday afternoon's experience. 

We came back home and enjoyed a late dinner of hamburgers and Wood's German sausages and a huge smorgasboard of visiting. 

That's been the fun part, lots of visiting, lots of discovering parallels between or two families---both of which include six siblings, three boys, three girls and that Chicago connection. 

It's fun when you're doing family talk to learn how some of the same genes, interests and general tendencies can show up among people who never knew each other until well into adulthood and who were reared thousands of miles apart.

Environment, upbringing and other factors play major roles in our individual development, but the genes do work their magic in creating similarities in perspectives, personal interests and common bonds.

And, then, of course, there are those who came before us in our respective families who molded us. And, it's fun to reminisce their impact on our lives. 

I love these family discoveries and have truly enjoyed the weekend experience with Cousin Rich.  

Such a delight to experience and to watch the relationships grow. 

Now, it's onward where today, again chores will be a part of the plan, as well as some sight seeing and some fly fishing. 

Happy Sunday.      

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