Saturday, December 05, 2020

Saturday Slight

I went on a grocery run yesterday.  

Have I ever said how much I appreciate the online shopping service?

Well, every time I pull into one of the designated parking spots at Yoke's for curbside service, I enjoy the experience. 

Type in confirmation number and space number on phone, don mask, get out and walk around a while. 

Within a minute or so, I receive a text:  I'll be right out with your groceries. 

And soon, one of the friendly and efficient personal shoppers comes out, driving the cart, filled with brown paper bags, my way.

There's always pleasant conversation.  

I've noticed over the past eight months that some of young men have grown beards, sometimes catching me offguard because I try to remember their faces, names and their personal stories.

It's a wonderful and safe service, with a few glitches here and there.  Almost invariably, I push the key to complete my shopping and a few minutes later, think of something I should have had on the list. 

That brings me back to thinking about in-store shopping when there seemed to be up to 30 somethings whenever I'd go into the store for maybe three items.  So, a miss here and there is not that bad. 

Yesterday after thanking my shopper, I decided to take a longer route home.  On such a beautiful day, surely there will be some neat pictures, I thought.  

This time, the drive home involved Hickey Road off from HWY 200 and eventually connecting to Selle Road at the curve near the Parnell Clydesdale Ranch. 

Nearing the curve, I could see something off in the distance ahead that sure looked like horses----but I don't always trust myself these days with diminished vision that sometimes plays tricks on me. 

Well, it's hard for Clydesdales to morph into any other being, and, as I drew closer, I could feel my adrenalin picking up cuz these would be fun photos. 

Looking in the rear view mirror to make sure no traffic was behind me, I passed the team of two horses, drove a ways, stopped and jumped out with my camera. 

Seems the ranch folks were out enjoying the lovely December day. It was a quick hello to Todd, Jack, DeeDee and Ruger and some fast snapping cuz cars were starting to appear on the road to the east.

On this brilliantly beautiful day, all of Selle showcased what we all love about our rural Selle,  even our woods when I later took a late afternoon walk.

I don't know how long these gorgeous days are going to last, but they have definitely added a bonus and have prolonged the inevitable winter from once again adding extra time and effort to our days. 

I do know that I've loved them.

Happy Saturday. 


A BIG NCAA basketball game today.

No. 1 Gonzaga takes on No. 2. Baylor. 

Could be one of the best men's basketball games of the year. 

CBS ---  10 a.m. PST. 

Let's  . . . .

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