Sunday, March 19, 2023



Although I haven't yet had cataract surgery, I think I have a pretty good sense of its results. 

I washed windows yesterday.

The world outside our house suddenly looks much brighter. 

It was a good and fun project because windows need to get attention both inside and out. 

So, while inside spraying, scrubbing and drying, I could catch up on whatever March Madness game was airing.

Plus, trips outside to do windows or to rake up leaves provided some quality time in the spring sunshine and relative warmth. 

I still have windows to do upstairs, and the leaf-raking project will probably fill up time every day until the snow disappears.

Slowly, pathways that were narrow or iced over last week are showing an increasing amount of bare ground.  

We still have a long, long way to go, however, before all the piles of seemingly petrified snow around the house and other buildings disappears. 

Nonetheless, this week I've been able to drag off the Christmas tree and remove the wreaths from the deck. 

I've also pruned two plum trees and the quince bush.

Yesterday, I put away the water-tank heater. 

In addition, I'm now wearing boots outside without Yak Trax.  We still have ice, but the increasing bare ground gives us options on where to walk safely.  

So, there's both progress and satisfaction that, at long last, we can spend time doing something besides winter chores or regular household chores. 

It's sure a lot more fun than the same-o, same-o of winter. 

I guess we're living in the mixed-blend season---a little winter with the tangible signs of spring and an excuse to still watch television, namely March Madness. 

Since we're not quite finished with winter, it's nice to still have the ZAGS doing some dancing. 

It dawned on me last night that they are probably now representing the biggest geographic area of any team left in the tournament. 

St. Mary's and UCLA can claim some of the coast line and the Southwest while Gonzaga is the only team still dancing from the Northwest and into the mountain states. 

Let's hope these Western representatives continue to do well and all move on into next week's match-ups. 



Happy Sunday. 

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