Monday, April 29, 2024

It's a Dandy Day, Et. Al.

I'm dedicating the top photo to my friend Pat Gooby.  He's an avid lover of "dandYlions," and he must be happy to see the abundant early crop this year.

Once again, he would be disappointed to learn that I have been engaged in my all-out assault on dandYlions in my yard. 

They grow profusely in the lawn for about two-three weeks each spring.  Some even hang on all year. 

The crop is looking good this year, and I am not that successful at mowing them all away.  

Some folks would suggest and have suggested Weed and Feed. 

I tried it once, 

and found that by the time I pushed that continuously loaded up that dispenser cart and pushed it around just one section of lawn, a brand new crop of dandelions had already pushed their way up through the soil, bloomed and had added to the yellow and green show. 

I decided after that feeble attempt to get the best of them that it was actually best for me to just settle for mowing, and sometimes more often than the grass needed to be mowed. 

DandYlions are here early like everything else, and they're keeping me busy. 

Pat used to hold publicized DandYlion Festivals at his house.  I don't know if he does that any more, but he and the family definitely had fun in those days. 

I'm guessing that it's the love of dandYlions that keeps Pat in the habit of sending bright yellow Christmas letters every single year. 

On another topic involving color, I almost completed painting another section of fence yesterday, but the white paint ran out and the rain started to fall. 

So, I got in the car and took a drive around the neighborhood and enjoyed seeing and snapping photos of all the brand new growth, especially on the deciduous trees. 

It's definitely spring time in the Selle Valley and getting prettier all the time. 

This attractive cat from the Adopt-a-House-in-the-Country Feline Placement Agency has been appearing outside our living room window on a regular basis lately. 

They (since I don't know if "he" or "she") has/have (what the heck to you do for a verb helper when there's just one "they"????).  

Anywho, they think they own this chair on the deck. 

They are not afraid of the dogs, and they are much too aggressively affectionate for my liking/safety. Annie can back me up on that after having the cat almost grab hold of her bare legs when she was home recently. 

Apparently, "they" got into a tussle with another cat and endured an abscess, but it seems to be okay now.

I'm wondering if they are going to allow us humans to have barbecues on what they consider their deck this summer. 

I think we'll have to name them "Mystery," and that seems to be appropriate for when ever and if ever we find out if they are a MYSTER or a MYSUSS or even a MYSS. 

Plus, if we do ever figure out the mystery of why they  appeared and adopted us and where they get their meals, maybe we can find out their real name. 

Twould be nice to know who lets this cat out of the bag every day and sends them to the Love house to spend their leisure hours on the deck.  

Such great news arrived in my in-box this morning. 

Once again, Sandpoint High grad Luke Mayville and his amazing team have pulled off another amazing feat for the people of Idaho. 

Now, we voters have to seal the deal when we vote in November. 

Definitely a dandy day!

from Luke: 

You heard it here first: The Open Primaries Initiative will be on the ballot in 2024!


This achievement is the result of the hard work and support of thousands of Idahoans. To every leader and organization who joined the Idahoans for Open Primaries coalition; to our nearly 4,000 donors who chipped in along the way; to our talented and dedicated staff who organized relentlessly; and to our 2,000 volunteers from over 40 Idaho communities. THANK YOU ALL!  

Yesterday, on my drive, I saw that what looked to be  flying saucers had landed in fields along Center Valley Road.

I saw three of them, and there always seemed to be cows around, so am curious to know if they are new feeding tools for the cattle folks. 

Jody Russell, enquiring minds want to know. 


Happy Monday. 

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