Thursday, April 18, 2024

Lovin' the Beloveds


Two events yesterday reminded me why we have and love animals and cherish the opportunity to live on a farm, especially on a brisk but sunny spring day with new, lush green grass glorifying a heaven-like landscape. 

Yesterday afternoon, my sisters texted and wondered if they could bring their puppies over for socializing. 

I responded, telling them we could go to the hay field. 

And, that we did with Bridie, Foster, Callie and Remi. 

I knew it would be fun for Bridie because she hasn't had a play partner since we lost Liam. 

Little Foster would like to play, but he knows his limitations, so he takes life a lot slower than he used to do.

Still, when we arrived at the hay field, he got involved as much as he could but safely. 

Dogs took advantage of the situation, chasing each other and chasing after sticks. 

Meanwhile, their adoring owners marveled at all the beauty in motion with the green backdrop. 

It was the ultimate to watch these gorgeous dogs, representing four breeds:  mini Aussie, Aussie, Australian Cattle Dog and Border Collie.

As always, with a group of pups getting acquainted, the dynamics unfold.  Seems Bridie and Remi were a perfect match for each other.  

With Bridie's size, rambunctious Remi displayed respect. 

With her gentle but clear gestures signaling, "Let's play," no more introductions were needed.  

Little Callie could be called Cautious Callie.  

She watches and decides when it's safe to join in on the fun.  She also decides when it's best to have the security in between Mom's feet. 

And, Foster, as noted before, stayed out of the fray but still enjoyed what fun he could. 

The second event of the day which gave me great joy came when I saddled up Lily after dinner. 

Bill came out just in time to stand at the mounting block and make sure she stayed in place while I climbed aboard.  

Lily did have a few moments of mischief in mind as she turned from parallel to perpendicular to the block. 

Easy enough to fix that.  Just move the block when the old gal moves her body.

Our ride didn't last long, and that was my decision.

 I'm perfectly happy with a few trips down the lane and out the driveway to the road (if no dump trucks are coming, that is). 

Lily seemed to enjoy herself, but as is customary, if I praised her, she thought the ride was ending and began to hesitate. 

"No," I said. "We're going to keep going."  

She doesn't push the issue much and simply plods on, waiting for the next sign that her work might be done. 

This is all perfect for me and for Lily.  We're both a couple of old gals who don't feel the need to conquer mountains. 

Been there, done that. 

Now is the time of life when we both deserve a relaxing, no-stress experience. 

And, that's exactly what the ride turned out to be last evening. 

I am proud of one new achievement.  It's mid April and I've already ridden all three of my horses for 2024. 

Never have done that before. In fact, for me to ride three horses in one year doesn't happen. 

The goal is to try to climb aboard once a week, each time with a different horse. 

I think the Lily, Lefty and CB won't mind that schedule. 

All in all, the ultimate of farm life and family and beloveds was achieved in fine style yesterday. 

I do believe a good time was had by all. 

Enjoy the photos. 

Happy Thursday.  

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